Name Description Size
EngineProcess.sys.mjs @typedef {import("../actors/MLEngineParent.sys.mjs").MLEngineParent} MLEngineParent 10926
MLEngine.html 526
MLEngine.worker.mjs The actual MLEngine lives here in a worker. 3449
ModelHub.sys.mjs ", "resource://*", "http://localhost", "https://localhost", "", ]; const ALLOWED_HEADERS_KEYS = ["Content-Type", "ETag", "status"]; const DEFAULT_URL_TEMPLATE = "{model}/resolve/{revision}"; /** Checks if a given URL string corresponds to an allowed hub. This function validates a URL against a list of allowed hubs, ensuring that it: - Is well-formed according to the URL standard. - Does not include a username or password. - Matches the allowed scheme and hostname. @param {string} urlString The URL string to validate. @returns {boolean} True if the URL is allowed; false otherwise. 24288
ONNXPipeline.mjs Lazy initialization container. @type {object} 9442
Utils.sys.mjs Converts an ArrayBuffer to a Blob URL. @param {ArrayBuffer} buffer - The ArrayBuffer to convert. @returns {string} The Blob URL. 2436