Name Description Size 2587 # `litemap` `litemap` is a crate providing [`LiteMap`], a highly simplistic "flat" key-value map based off of a single sorted vector. The goal of this crate is to provide a map that is good enough for small sizes, and does not carry the binary size impact of [`HashMap`](std::collections::HashMap) or [`BTreeMap`](alloc::collections::BTreeMap). If binary size is not a concern, [`std::collections::BTreeMap`] may be a better choice for your use case. It behaves very similarly to [`LiteMap`] for less than 12 elements, and upgrades itself gracefully for larger inputs. ## Pluggable Backends By default, [`LiteMap`] is backed by a [`Vec`]; however, it can be backed by any appropriate random-access data store, giving that data store a map-like interface. See the [`store`] module for more details. ## Const construction [`LiteMap`] supports const construction from any store that is const-constructible, such as a static slice, via [`LiteMap::from_sorted_store_unchecked()`]. This also makes [`LiteMap`] suitable for use with [`databake`]. See [`impl Bake for LiteMap`] for more details. [`impl Bake for LiteMap`]: ./struct.LiteMap.html#impl-Bake-for-LiteMap<K,+V,+S> [`Vec`]: alloc::vec::Vec 2296 38071 7182 6060
store Test utilities, primarily targeted to custom LiteMap stores. 7708