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// This file is part of ICU4X. For terms of use, please see the file
// called LICENSE at the top level of the ICU4X source tree
//! Segment strings by lines, graphemes, words, and sentences.
//! This module is published as its own crate ([`icu_segmenter`](
//! and as part of the [`icu`]( crate. See the latter for more details on the ICU4X project.
//! This module contains segmenter implementation for the following rules.
//! - Line segmenter that is compatible with [Unicode Standard Annex #14][UAX14], _Unicode Line
//! Breaking Algorithm_, with options to tailor line-breaking behavior for CSS [`line-break`] and
//! [`word-break`] properties.
//! - Grapheme cluster segmenter, word segmenter, and sentence segmenter that are compatible with
//! [Unicode Standard Annex #29][UAX29], _Unicode Text Segmentation_.
//! # Examples
//! ## Line Break
//! Find line break opportunities:
//! use icu::segmenter::LineSegmenter;
//! let segmenter = LineSegmenter::new_auto();
//! let breakpoints: Vec<usize> = segmenter
//! .segment_str("Hello World. Xin chào thế giới!")
//! .collect();
//! assert_eq!(&breakpoints, &[0, 6, 13, 17, 23, 29, 36]);
//! ```
//! See [`LineSegmenter`] for more examples.
//! ## Grapheme Cluster Break
//! Find all grapheme cluster boundaries:
//! use icu::segmenter::GraphemeClusterSegmenter;
//! let segmenter = GraphemeClusterSegmenter::new();
//! let breakpoints: Vec<usize> = segmenter
//! .segment_str("Hello World. Xin chào thế giới!")
//! .collect();
//! assert_eq!(
//! &breakpoints,
//! &[
//! 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
//! 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36
//! ]
//! );
//! ```
//! See [`GraphemeClusterSegmenter`] for more examples.
//! ## Word Break
//! Find all word boundaries:
//! use icu::segmenter::WordSegmenter;
//! let segmenter = WordSegmenter::new_auto();
//! let breakpoints: Vec<usize> = segmenter
//! .segment_str("Hello World. Xin chào thế giới!")
//! .collect();
//! assert_eq!(
//! &breakpoints,
//! &[0, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 22, 23, 28, 29, 35, 36]
//! );
//! ```
//! See [`WordSegmenter`] for more examples.
//! ## Sentence Break
//! Segment the string into sentences:
//! use icu::segmenter::SentenceSegmenter;
//! let segmenter = SentenceSegmenter::new();
//! let breakpoints: Vec<usize> = segmenter
//! .segment_str("Hello World. Xin chào thế giới!")
//! .collect();
//! assert_eq!(&breakpoints, &[0, 13, 36]);
//! ```
//! See [`SentenceSegmenter`] for more examples.
#![cfg_attr(not(any(test, feature = "std")), no_std)]
extern crate alloc;
mod complex;
mod error;
mod indices;
mod iterator_helpers;
mod rule_segmenter;
mod grapheme;
mod line;
mod sentence;
mod word;
pub mod provider;
// icu_datagen uses symbols, but we don't want to expose this implementation detail to the users.
pub mod symbols;
// Main Segmenter and BreakIterator public types
pub use crate::grapheme::GraphemeClusterBreakIterator;
pub use crate::grapheme::GraphemeClusterSegmenter;
pub use crate::line::LineBreakIterator;
pub use crate::line::LineSegmenter;
pub use crate::sentence::SentenceBreakIterator;
pub use crate::sentence::SentenceSegmenter;
pub use crate::word::WordBreakIterator;
pub use crate::word::WordSegmenter;
// Options structs and enums
pub use crate::line::LineBreakOptions;
pub use crate::line::LineBreakStrictness;
pub use crate::line::LineBreakWordOption;
pub use crate::word::WordType;
// Typedefs
pub use crate::grapheme::GraphemeClusterBreakIteratorLatin1;
pub use crate::grapheme::GraphemeClusterBreakIteratorPotentiallyIllFormedUtf8;
pub use crate::grapheme::GraphemeClusterBreakIteratorUtf16;
pub use crate::grapheme::GraphemeClusterBreakIteratorUtf8;
pub use crate::line::LineBreakIteratorLatin1;
pub use crate::line::LineBreakIteratorPotentiallyIllFormedUtf8;
pub use crate::line::LineBreakIteratorUtf16;
pub use crate::line::LineBreakIteratorUtf8;
pub use crate::sentence::SentenceBreakIteratorLatin1;
pub use crate::sentence::SentenceBreakIteratorPotentiallyIllFormedUtf8;
pub use crate::sentence::SentenceBreakIteratorUtf16;
pub use crate::sentence::SentenceBreakIteratorUtf8;
pub use crate::word::WordBreakIteratorLatin1;
pub use crate::word::WordBreakIteratorPotentiallyIllFormedUtf8;
pub use crate::word::WordBreakIteratorUtf16;
pub use crate::word::WordBreakIteratorUtf8;
pub use error::SegmenterError;
pub use SegmenterError as Error;