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d3d12 This crate provides a fully written in Rust memory allocator for Vulkan and DirectX 12. # [Windows-rs] and [winapi] `gpu-allocator` recently migrated from [winapi] to [windows-rs] but still provides convenient helpers to convert to and from [winapi] types, enabled when compiling with the `public-winapi` crate feature. [Windows-rs]: [winapi]: # Setting up the Vulkan memory allocator ```no_run # #[cfg(feature = "vulkan")] # fn main() { use gpu_allocator::vulkan::*; # use ash::vk; # let device = todo!(); # let instance = todo!(); # let physical_device = todo!(); let mut allocator = Allocator::new(&AllocatorCreateDesc { instance, device, physical_device, debug_settings: Default::default(), buffer_device_address: true, // Ideally, check the BufferDeviceAddressFeatures struct. allocation_sizes: Default::default(), }); # } # #[cfg(not(feature = "vulkan"))] # fn main() {} ``` # Simple Vulkan allocation example ```no_run # #[cfg(feature = "vulkan")] # fn main() { use gpu_allocator::vulkan::*; use gpu_allocator::MemoryLocation; # use ash::vk; # let device = todo!(); # let instance = todo!(); # let physical_device = todo!(); # let mut allocator = Allocator::new(&AllocatorCreateDesc { # instance, # device, # physical_device, # debug_settings: Default::default(), # buffer_device_address: true, // Ideally, check the BufferDeviceAddressFeatures struct. # allocation_sizes: Default::default(), # }).unwrap(); // Setup vulkan info let vk_info = vk::BufferCreateInfo::builder() .size(512) .usage(vk::BufferUsageFlags::STORAGE_BUFFER); let buffer = unsafe { device.create_buffer(&vk_info, None) }.unwrap(); let requirements = unsafe { device.get_buffer_memory_requirements(buffer) }; let allocation = allocator .allocate(&AllocationCreateDesc { name: "Example allocation", requirements, location: MemoryLocation::CpuToGpu, linear: true, // Buffers are always linear allocation_scheme: AllocationScheme::GpuAllocatorManaged, }).unwrap(); // Bind memory to the buffer unsafe { device.bind_buffer_memory(buffer, allocation.memory(), allocation.offset()).unwrap() }; // Cleanup; unsafe { device.destroy_buffer(buffer, None) }; # } # #[cfg(not(feature = "vulkan"))] # fn main() {} ``` # Setting up the D3D12 memory allocator ```no_run # #[cfg(feature = "d3d12")] # fn main() { use gpu_allocator::d3d12::*; # let device = todo!(); let mut allocator = Allocator::new(&AllocatorCreateDesc { device: ID3D12DeviceVersion::Device(device), debug_settings: Default::default(), allocation_sizes: Default::default(), }); # } # #[cfg(not(feature = "d3d12"))] # fn main() {} ``` # Simple d3d12 allocation example ```no_run # #[cfg(feature = "d3d12")] # fn main() -> windows::core::Result<()> { use gpu_allocator::d3d12::*; use gpu_allocator::MemoryLocation; # use windows::Win32::Graphics::{Dxgi, Direct3D12}; # let device = todo!(); # let mut allocator = Allocator::new(&AllocatorCreateDesc { # device: ID3D12DeviceVersion::Device(device), # debug_settings: Default::default(), # allocation_sizes: Default::default(), # }).unwrap(); let buffer_desc = Direct3D12::D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC { Dimension: Direct3D12::D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_BUFFER, Alignment: 0, Width: 512, Height: 1, DepthOrArraySize: 1, MipLevels: 1, Format: Dxgi::Common::DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN, SampleDesc: Dxgi::Common::DXGI_SAMPLE_DESC { Count: 1, Quality: 0, }, Layout: Direct3D12::D3D12_TEXTURE_LAYOUT_ROW_MAJOR, Flags: Direct3D12::D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_NONE, }; let allocation_desc = AllocationCreateDesc::from_d3d12_resource_desc( &allocator.device(), &buffer_desc, "Example allocation", MemoryLocation::GpuOnly, ); let allocation = allocator.allocate(&allocation_desc).unwrap(); let mut resource: Option<Direct3D12::ID3D12Resource> = None; let hr = unsafe { device.CreatePlacedResource( allocation.heap(), allocation.offset(), &buffer_desc, Direct3D12::D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_COMMON, None, &mut resource, ) }?; // Cleanup drop(resource);; # Ok(()) # } # #[cfg(not(feature = "d3d12"))] # fn main() {} ``` 9256 661