Name Description Size UTF-8 encoded paths. `camino` is an extension of the `std::path` module that adds new [`Utf8PathBuf`] and [`Utf8Path`] types. These are like the standard library's [`PathBuf`] and [`Path`] types, except they are guaranteed to only contain UTF-8 encoded data. Therefore, they expose the ability to get their contents as strings, they implement `Display`, etc. The `std::path` types are not guaranteed to be valid UTF-8. This is the right decision for the standard library, since it must be as general as possible. However, on all platforms, non-Unicode paths are vanishingly uncommon for a number of reasons: * Unicode won. There are still some legacy codebases that store paths in encodings like Shift-JIS, but most have been converted to Unicode at this point. * Unicode is the common subset of supported paths across Windows and Unix platforms. (On Windows, Rust stores paths as [an extension to UTF-8](, and converts them to UTF-16 at Win32 API boundaries.) * There are already many systems, such as Cargo, that only support UTF-8 paths. If your own tool interacts with any such system, you can assume that paths are valid UTF-8 without creating any additional burdens on consumers. * The ["makefile problem"]( (which also applies to `Cargo.toml`, and any other metadata file that lists the names of other files) has *no general, cross-platform solution* in systems that support non-UTF-8 paths. However, restricting paths to UTF-8 eliminates this problem. Therefore, many programs that want to manipulate paths *do* assume they contain UTF-8 data, and convert them to `str`s as necessary. However, because this invariant is not encoded in the `Path` type, conversions such as `path.to_str().unwrap()` need to be repeated again and again, creating a frustrating experience. Instead, `camino` allows you to check that your paths are UTF-8 *once*, and then manipulate them as valid UTF-8 from there on, avoiding repeated lossy and confusing conversions. 92274 [proptest::Arbitrary](Arbitrary) implementation for `Utf8PathBuf` and `Box<Utf8Path>`. Note that implementions for `Rc<Utf8Path>` and `Arc<Utf8Path>` are not currently possible due to orphan rules - this crate doesn't define `Rc`/`Arc` nor `Arbitrary`, so it can't define those implementations. 2687 Serde implementations for `Utf8Path`. The Serde implementations for `Utf8PathBuf` are derived, but `Utf8Path` is an unsized type which the derive impls can't handle. Implement these by hand. 1513 1147