Name Description Size
addRange-00.html Selection.addRange() tests 384
addRange-04.html Selection.addRange() tests 384
addRange-08.html Selection.addRange() tests 385
addRange-12.html Selection.addRange() tests 386
addRange-16.html Selection.addRange() tests 386
addRange-20.html Selection.addRange() tests 386
addRange-24.html Selection.addRange() tests 386
addRange-28.html Selection.addRange() tests 386
addRange-32.html Selection.addRange() tests 386
addRange-36.html Selection.addRange() tests 386
addRange-40.html Selection.addRange() tests 386
addRange-44.html Selection.addRange() tests 386
addRange-48.html Selection.addRange() tests 386
addRange-52.html Selection.addRange() tests 386
addRange-56.html Selection.addRange() tests 382
addRange.htm Selection: Add a range to the selection 953
addRange.js 10815
addRange.tentative.html Selection: Add a range to the selection 901
collapse-00.html Selection.collapse()/setPosition() tests 385
collapse-15.html Selection.collapse()/setPosition() tests 386
collapse-30.html Selection.collapse()/setPosition() tests 382
collapse-45.html Selection.collapse()/setPosition() tests 386
collapse.htm Selection: Collapse the selection using collapse() 899
collapse.js 4204
collapseToStartEnd.html Selection.collapseTo(Start|End)() tests 5486
common.js 39001
deleteFromDocument.html Selection.deleteFromDocument() tests 4366
dir-manual.html Selection direction tests 4490
Document-open.html Selection tests 1300
drag-disabled-textarea-shadow-dom.html 1586
extend-00.html Selection extend() tests 393
extend-20.html Selection extend() tests 394
extend-40.html Selection extend() tests 390
extend-exception.html Selection extend() test thrown exceptions 699
extend.js 7294
getRangeAt.html The getRangeAt method 1057
getSelection.html getSelection() tests 6732
idlharness.window.js 342
isCollapsed.html Selection.isCollapsed tests 1101
META.yml 74
modify-extend-word-trailing-inline-block.tentative.html Selection.modify: Extending a word towards the end of a line ended by an inline-block. 968
modify-line-flex-column.tentative.html Selection.modify(): line navigation on a column-oriented flex container 1879
modify-line-flex-row.tentative.html Selection.modify(): line navigation on a row-oriented flex container 1964
modify-line-grid-basic.tentative.html Selection.modify(): line navigation on a grid container 1839
modify.tentative.html Selection.modify() tests 3053
move-selection-range-into-different-root.tentative.html Updating selection range to outside of scope of the selection should cause the range removed from the selection 2592
onselectionchange-on-distinct-text-controls.html 1788
onselectionchange-on-document.html 2795
removeAllRanges.html Selection.removeAllRanges()/empty() tests 2327
removeRange.html Selection.removeRange tests 1897
script-and-style-elements.html Selection: STYLE and SCRIPT elements should be included in Selection.toString() if they are display!=none 1298
select-end-of-line-image.tentative.html Selection: Select the image at the end of the line 1766
selectAllChildren.html Selection.selectAllChildren tests 2647
selection-nested-video.html Selection with nested videos doesn't crash 715
selection-range-after-editinghost-removed.html Selection range in an editing host after the host is removed 2925
selection-range-after-textcontrol-removed.html Selection range after text control is removed 1838
selection-range-in-shadow-after-the-shadow-removed.tentative.html Selection range in shadow after removing the shadow 4740
selection-select-all-move-input-crash.html 273
selection-shadow-dom-crash-print.html Printing with odd selections doesn't crash 551
setBaseAndExtent.html Selection.setBaseAndExtent() tests 5454
stringifier.tentative.html Selection: stringifier 821
test-iframe.html Selection test iframe 1096
toString-ff-bug-001.html Can serialize a range which starts at the end of an element 830
type.html Selection.type tests 918
user-select-on-input-and-contenteditable.html Test: used 'user-select' is always 'contain' on editable elements 1762