Name Description Size 9689
harness.html 522
idl-helper.js 639
nested-testharness.js Execute testharness.js and one or more scripts in an iframe. Report the results of the execution. @param {...function|...string} bodies - a function body. If specified as a function object, it will be serialized to a string using the built-in `Function.prototype.toString` prior to inclusion in the generated iframe. @returns {Promise} eventual value describing the result of the test execution; the summary object has two properties: `harness` (a string describing the harness status) and `tests` (an object whose "own" property names are the titles of the defined sub-tests and whose associated values are the subtest statuses). 2351 # `testharness.js` test suite 2690
requirements.txt 14
tox.ini 311 2023