Name Description Size 0
arrays.js Callback for checking equality of c and d. @callback equalityCallback @param {*} c @param {*} d @returns {boolean} 687
blank-with-cors.html 0
blank-with-cors.html.headers 31
blank.html 0
custom-cors-response.js custom-cors-response.js content 1301 Handler for getting an HTTP response customised by the given query parameters. The returned response will have - HTTP headers defined by the 'headers' query parameter - Must be a serialized JSON dictionary mapping header names to header values - HTTP status code defined by the 'status' query parameter - Must be a positive serialized JSON integer like the string '200' - Response content defined by the 'content' query parameter - Must be a serialized JSON string representing the desired response body 1343
domain-setter.sub.html A page that will likely be same-origin-domain but not same-origin 184
dummy.json 3
dummy.xhtml Dummy XHTML document 123
dummy.xml 30 316
gc.js Does a best-effort attempt at invoking garbage collection. Attempts to use the standardized `TestUtils.gc()` function, but falls back to other environment-specific nonstandard functions, with a final result of just creating a lot of garbage (in which case you will get a console warning). This should generally only be used to attempt to trigger bugs and crashes inside tests, i.e. cases where if garbage collection happened, then this should not trigger some misbehavior. You cannot rely on garbage collection successfully trigger, or that any particular unreachable object will be collected. @returns {Promise<undefined>} A promise you should await to ensure garbage collection has had a chance to complete. 1604
get-host-info.sub.js Host information for cross-origin tests. @returns {Object} with properties for different host information. 2787
get-host-info.sub.js.headers 45
media.js Returns the URL of a supported video source based on the user agent @param {string} base - media URL without file extension @returns {string} 1285
media.js.headers 45
META.yml 32
object-association.js 2700
object-association.js.headers 45
performance-timeline-utils.js author: W3C help: 1976
performance-timeline-utils.js.headers 45
PrefixedLocalStorage.js Supports pseudo-"namespacing" localStorage for a given test by generating and using a unique prefix for keys. Why trounce on other tests' localStorage items when you can keep it "separated"? PrefixedLocalStorageTest: Instantiate in testharness.js tests to generate a new unique-ish prefix PrefixedLocalStorageResource: Instantiate in supporting test resource files to use/share a prefix generated by a test. 4264
PrefixedLocalStorage.js.headers 45
PrefixedPostMessage.js Supports pseudo-"namespacing" for window-posted messages for a given test by generating and using a unique prefix that gets wrapped into message objects. This makes it more feasible to have multiple tests that use `window.postMessage` in a single test file. Basically, make it possible for the each test to listen for only the messages that are pertinent to it. 'Prefix' not an elegant term to use here but this models itself after PrefixedLocalStorage. PrefixedMessageTest: Instantiate in testharness.js tests to generate a new unique-ish prefix that can be used by other test support files PrefixedMessageResource: Instantiate in supporting test resource files to use/share a prefix generated by a test. 3882
PrefixedPostMessage.js.headers 45
proxy-all.sub.pac 87 The files in this directory are non-infrastructure support files that can be used by tests. 594 Simple handler that causes redirection. The request should typically have two query parameters: status - The status to use for the redirection. Defaults to 302. location - The resource to redirect to. 601 Simple handler that causes redirection. The request should typically have two query parameters: status - The status to use for the redirection. Defaults to 302. location - The resource to redirect to. 546 Respond with a blank HTML document and a `Refresh` header which describes an immediate redirect to the URL specified by the requests `location` query string parameter 384
reftest-wait.js Remove the `reftest-wait` class on the document element. The reftest runner will wait with taking a screenshot while this class is present. See 1165
reftest-wait.js.headers 45
rendering-utils.js Waits until we have at least one frame rendered, regardless of the engine. @returns {Promise} 559
sab.js 768
security-features Simple handler that causes redirection. The request should typically have two query parameters: status - The status to use for the redirection. Defaults to 302. location - The resource to redirect to. 738 148
square.png 18299
stringifiers.js Runs tests for <>. @param {Object} aObject - object to test @param {string} aAttribute - IDL attribute name that is annotated with `stringifier` @param {boolean} aIsUnforgeable - whether the IDL attribute is `[LegacyUnforgeable]` 1626
stringifiers.js.headers 45
subset-tests-by-key.js Check if `key` is in the subset specified in the URL. @param {string} key @returns {boolean} 2362
subset-tests.js Check if `currentSubTest` is in the subset specified in the URL. @param {number} currentSubTest @returns {boolean} 2035
test-setting-immutable-prototype.js 2689
test-setting-immutable-prototype.js.headers 45
text-plain.txt 70
top-layer.js 1147
utils.js Create an absolute URL from `options` and defaulting unspecified properties to `window.location`. @param {Object} options - a `Location`-like object @param {string} options.hostname @param {string} options.subdomain - prepend subdomain to the hostname @param {string} options.port @param {string} options.path @param {string} options.query @param {string} options.hash @returns {string} 2447
utils.js.headers 45
window-name-setter.html A page that sets 245
worklet-reftest.js Imports code into a worklet. E.g. importWorklet(CSS.paintWorklet, {url: 'script.js'}); importWorklet(CSS.paintWorklet, '(javascript string)'); @param {Worklet} worklet @param {(Object|string)} code 1252
worklet-reftest.js.headers 45