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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
import inspect
import os
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
import six
# List of whitelisted option categories. If you want to add a new category,
# simply add it to this list; however, exercise discretion as
# "./configure --help" becomes less useful if there are an excessive number of
# categories.
def _infer_option_category(define_depth):
stack_frame = inspect.currentframe()
for _ in range(3 + define_depth):
stack_frame = stack_frame.f_back
path = os.path.relpath(stack_frame.f_code.co_filename)
except ValueError:
# If this call fails, it means the relative path couldn't be determined
# (e.g. because this file is on a different drive than the cwd on a
# Windows machine). That's fine, just use the absolute filename.
path = stack_frame.f_code.co_filename
return "Options from " + path
def istupleofstrings(obj):
return (
isinstance(obj, tuple)
and len(obj)
and all(isinstance(o, six.string_types) for o in obj)
class OptionValue(tuple):
"""Represents the value of a configure option.
This class is not meant to be used directly. Use its subclasses instead.
The `origin` attribute holds where the option comes from (e.g. environment,
command line, or default)
def __new__(cls, values=(), origin="unknown"):
return super(OptionValue, cls).__new__(cls, values)
def __init__(self, values=(), origin="unknown"):
self.origin = origin
def format(self, option):
if option.startswith("--"):
prefix, name, values = Option.split_option(option)
assert values == ()
for prefix_set in (
("disable", "enable"),
("without", "with"),
if prefix in prefix_set:
prefix = prefix_set[int(bool(self))]
if prefix:
option = "--%s-%s" % (prefix, name)
elif self:
option = "--%s" % name
return ""
if len(self):
return "%s=%s" % (option, ",".join(self))
return option
elif self and not len(self):
return "%s=1" % option
return "%s=%s" % (option, ",".join(self))
def __eq__(self, other):
# This is to catch naive comparisons against strings and other
# types in moz.configure files, as it is really easy to write
# value == 'foo'. We only raise a TypeError for instances that
# have content, because value-less instances (like PositiveOptionValue
# and NegativeOptionValue) are common and it is trivial to
# compare these.
if not isinstance(other, tuple) and len(self):
raise TypeError(
"cannot compare a populated %s against an %s; "
"OptionValue instances are tuples - did you mean to "
"compare against member elements using [x]?"
% (type(other).__name__, type(self).__name__)
# Allow explicit tuples to be compared.
if type(other) == tuple:
return tuple.__eq__(self, other)
elif isinstance(other, bool):
return bool(self) == other
# Else we're likely an OptionValue class.
elif type(other) != type(self):
return False
return super(OptionValue, self).__eq__(other)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __repr__(self):
return "%s%s" % (self.__class__.__name__, super(OptionValue, self).__repr__())
def from_(value):
if isinstance(value, OptionValue):
return value
elif value is True:
return PositiveOptionValue()
elif value is False or value == ():
return NegativeOptionValue()
elif isinstance(value, six.string_types):
return PositiveOptionValue((value,))
elif isinstance(value, tuple):
return PositiveOptionValue(value)
raise TypeError("Unexpected type: '%s'" % type(value).__name__)
class PositiveOptionValue(OptionValue):
"""Represents the value for a positive option (--enable/--with/--foo)
in the form of a tuple for when values are given to the option (in the form
def __nonzero__(self): # py2
return True
def __bool__(self): # py3
return True
class NegativeOptionValue(OptionValue):
"""Represents the value for a negative option (--disable/--without)
This is effectively an empty tuple with a `origin` attribute.
def __new__(cls, origin="unknown"):
return super(NegativeOptionValue, cls).__new__(cls, origin=origin)
def __init__(self, origin="unknown"):
super(NegativeOptionValue, self).__init__(origin=origin)
class InvalidOptionError(Exception):
class ConflictingOptionError(InvalidOptionError):
def __init__(self, message, **format_data):
if format_data:
message = message.format(**format_data)
super(ConflictingOptionError, self).__init__(message)
for k, v in six.iteritems(format_data):
setattr(self, k, v)
class Option(object):
"""Represents a configure option
A configure option can be a command line flag or an environment variable
or both.
- `name` is the full command line flag (e.g. --enable-foo).
- `env` is the environment variable name (e.g. ENV)
- `nargs` is the number of arguments the option may take. It can be a
number or the special values '?' (0 or 1), '*' (0 or more), or '+' (1 or
- `default` can be used to give a default value to the option. When the
`name` of the option starts with '--enable-' or '--with-', the implied
default is a NegativeOptionValue (disabled). When it starts with
'--disable-' or '--without-', the implied default is an empty
PositiveOptionValue (enabled).
- `choices` restricts the set of values that can be given to the option.
- `help` is the option description for use in the --help output.
- `possible_origins` is a tuple of strings that are origins accepted for
this option. Example origins are 'mozconfig', 'implied', and 'environment'.
- `category` is a human-readable string used only for categorizing command-
line options when displaying the output of `configure --help`. If not
supplied, the script will attempt to infer an appropriate category based
on the name of the file where the option was defined. If supplied it must
be in the _ALL_CATEGORIES list above.
- `define_depth` should generally only be used by templates that are used
to instantiate an option indirectly. Set this to a positive integer to
force the script to look into a deeper stack frame when inferring the
__slots__ = (
def __init__(
if not name and not env:
raise InvalidOptionError(
"At least an option name or an environment variable name must "
"be given"
if name:
if not isinstance(name, six.string_types):
raise InvalidOptionError("Option must be a string")
if not name.startswith("--"):
raise InvalidOptionError("Option must start with `--`")
if "=" in name:
raise InvalidOptionError("Option must not contain an `=`")
if not name.islower():
raise InvalidOptionError("Option must be all lowercase")
if env:
if not isinstance(env, six.string_types):
raise InvalidOptionError("Environment variable name must be a string")
if not env.isupper():
raise InvalidOptionError(
"Environment variable name must be all uppercase"
if nargs not in (None, "?", "*", "+") and not (
isinstance(nargs, int) and nargs >= 0
raise InvalidOptionError(
"nargs must be a positive integer, '?', '*' or '+'"
if (
not isinstance(default, six.string_types)
and not isinstance(default, (bool, type(None)))
and not istupleofstrings(default)
raise InvalidOptionError(
"default must be a bool, a string or a tuple of strings"
if choices and not istupleofstrings(choices):
raise InvalidOptionError("choices must be a tuple of strings")
if category and not isinstance(category, six.string_types):
raise InvalidOptionError("Category must be a string")
if category and category not in _ALL_CATEGORIES:
raise InvalidOptionError(
"Category must either be inferred or in the _ALL_CATEGORIES "
"list in %s" % ", ".join(_ALL_CATEGORIES)
if not isinstance(define_depth, int):
raise InvalidOptionError("DefineDepth must be an integer")
if not help:
raise InvalidOptionError("A help string must be provided")
if possible_origins and not istupleofstrings(possible_origins):
raise InvalidOptionError("possible_origins must be a tuple of strings")
self.possible_origins = possible_origins
if name:
prefix, name, values = self.split_option(name)
assert values == ()
# --disable and --without options mean the default is enabled.
# --enable and --with options mean the default is disabled.
# However, we allow a default to be given so that the default
# can be affected by other factors.
if prefix:
if default is None:
default = prefix in ("disable", "without")
elif default is False:
prefix = {
"disable": "enable",
"without": "with",
}.get(prefix, prefix)
elif default is True:
prefix = {
"enable": "disable",
"with": "without",
}.get(prefix, prefix)
prefix = ""
self.prefix = prefix = name
self.env = env
if default in (None, False):
self.default = NegativeOptionValue(origin="default")
elif isinstance(default, tuple):
self.default = PositiveOptionValue(default, origin="default")
elif default is True:
self.default = PositiveOptionValue(origin="default")
self.default = PositiveOptionValue((default,), origin="default")
if nargs is None:
nargs = 0
if len(self.default) == 1:
nargs = "?"
elif len(self.default) > 1:
nargs = "*"
elif choices:
nargs = 1
self.nargs = nargs
has_choices = choices is not None
if isinstance(self.default, PositiveOptionValue):
if has_choices and len(self.default) == 0 and nargs not in ("?", "*"):
raise InvalidOptionError(
"A `default` must be given along with `choices`"
if not self._validate_nargs(len(self.default)):
raise InvalidOptionError("The given `default` doesn't satisfy `nargs`")
if has_choices and not all(d in choices for d in self.default):
raise InvalidOptionError(
"The `default` value must be one of %s"
% ", ".join("'%s'" % c for c in choices)
elif has_choices:
maxargs = self.maxargs
if len(choices) < maxargs and maxargs != sys.maxsize:
raise InvalidOptionError("Not enough `choices` for `nargs`")
self.choices = choices = help
self.category = category or _infer_option_category(define_depth)
def split_option(option):
"""Split a flag or variable into a prefix, a name and values
Variables come in the form NAME=values (no prefix).
Flags come in the form --name=values or --prefix-name=values
where prefix is one of 'with', 'without', 'enable' or 'disable'.
The '=values' part is optional. Values are separated with commas.
if not isinstance(option, six.string_types):
raise InvalidOptionError("Option must be a string")
elements = option.split("=", 1)
name = elements[0]
values = tuple(elements[1].split(",")) if len(elements) == 2 else ()
if name.startswith("--"):
name = name[2:]
if not name.islower():
raise InvalidOptionError("Option must be all lowercase")
elements = name.split("-", 1)
prefix = elements[0]
if len(elements) == 2 and prefix in (
return prefix, elements[1], values
if name.startswith("-"):
raise InvalidOptionError(
"Option must start with two dashes instead of one"
if name.islower():
raise InvalidOptionError(
'Environment variable name "%s" must be all uppercase' % name
return "", name, values
def _join_option(prefix, name):
# The constraints around name and env in __init__ make it so that
# we can distinguish between flags and environment variables with
# islower/isupper.
if name.isupper():
assert not prefix
return name
elif prefix:
return "--%s-%s" % (prefix, name)
return "--%s" % name
def option(self):
if self.prefix or
return self._join_option(self.prefix,
return self.env
def minargs(self):
if isinstance(self.nargs, int):
return self.nargs
return 1 if self.nargs == "+" else 0
def maxargs(self):
if isinstance(self.nargs, int):
return self.nargs
return 1 if self.nargs == "?" else sys.maxsize
def _validate_nargs(self, num):
minargs, maxargs = self.minargs, self.maxargs
return num >= minargs and num <= maxargs
def get_value(self, option=None, origin="unknown"):
"""Given a full command line option (e.g. --enable-foo=bar) or a
variable assignment (FOO=bar), returns the corresponding OptionValue.
Note: variable assignments can come from either the environment or
from the command line (e.g. `../configure CFLAGS=-O2`)
if not option:
return self.default
if self.possible_origins and origin not in self.possible_origins:
raise InvalidOptionError(
"%s can not be set by %s. Values are accepted from: %s"
% (option, origin, ", ".join(self.possible_origins))
prefix, name, values = self.split_option(option)
option = self._join_option(prefix, name)
assert name in (, self.env)
if prefix in ("disable", "without"):
if values != ():
raise InvalidOptionError("Cannot pass a value to %s" % option)
return NegativeOptionValue(origin=origin)
if name == self.env:
if values == ("",):
return NegativeOptionValue(origin=origin)
if self.nargs in (0, "?", "*") and values == ("1",):
return PositiveOptionValue(origin=origin)
values = PositiveOptionValue(values, origin=origin)
if not self._validate_nargs(len(values)):
raise InvalidOptionError(
"%s takes %s value%s"
% (
"?": "0 or 1",
"*": "0 or more",
"+": "1 or more",
}.get(self.nargs, str(self.nargs)),
"s" if (not isinstance(self.nargs, int) or self.nargs != 1) else "",
if len(values) and self.choices:
relative_result = None
for val in values:
if self.nargs in ("+", "*"):
if val.startswith(("+", "-")):
if relative_result is None:
relative_result = list(self.default)
sign = val[0]
val = val[1:]
if sign == "+":
if val not in relative_result:
except ValueError:
if val not in self.choices:
raise InvalidOptionError(
"'%s' is not one of %s"
% (val, ", ".join("'%s'" % c for c in self.choices))
if relative_result is not None:
values = PositiveOptionValue(relative_result, origin=origin)
return values
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s [%s]>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.option)
class CommandLineHelper(object):
"""Helper class to handle the various ways options can be given either
on the command line of through the environment.
For instance, an Option('--foo', env='FOO') can be passed as --foo on the
command line, or as FOO=1 in the environment *or* on the command line.
If multiple variants are given, command line is prefered over the
environment, and if different values are given on the command line, the
last one wins. (This mimicks the behavior of autoconf, avoiding to break
existing mozconfigs using valid options in weird ways)
Extra options can be added afterwards through API calls. For those,
conflicting values will raise an exception.
def __init__(self, environ=os.environ, argv=sys.argv):
self._environ = dict(environ)
self._args = OrderedDict()
self._extra_args = OrderedDict()
self._origins = {}
self._last = 0
assert argv and not argv[0].startswith("--")
for arg in argv[1:]:
self.add(arg, "command-line", self._args)
def add(self, arg, origin="command-line", args=None):
assert origin != "default"
prefix, name, values = Option.split_option(arg)
if args is None:
args = self._extra_args
if args is self._extra_args and name in self._extra_args:
old_arg = self._extra_args[name][0]
old_prefix, _, old_values = Option.split_option(old_arg)
if prefix != old_prefix or values != old_values:
raise ConflictingOptionError(
"Cannot add '{arg}' to the {origin} set because it "
"conflicts with '{old_arg}' that was added earlier",
self._last += 1
args[name] = arg, self._last
self._origins[arg] = origin
def _prepare(self, option, args):
arg = None
origin = "command-line"
from_name = args.get(
from_env = args.get(option.env)
if from_name and from_env:
arg1, pos1 = from_name
arg2, pos2 = from_env
arg, pos = (arg1, pos1) if abs(pos1) > abs(pos2) else (arg2, pos2)
if args is self._extra_args and (
option.get_value(arg1) != option.get_value(arg2)
origin = self._origins[arg]
old_arg = arg2 if abs(pos1) > abs(pos2) else arg1
raise ConflictingOptionError(
"Cannot add '{arg}' to the {origin} set because it "
"conflicts with '{old_arg}' that was added earlier",
elif from_name or from_env:
arg, pos = from_name if from_name else from_env
elif option.env and args is self._args:
env = self._environ.get(option.env)
if env is not None:
arg = "%s=%s" % (option.env, env)
origin = "environment"
origin = self._origins.get(arg, origin)
for k in (, option.env):
del args[k]
except KeyError:
return arg, origin
def handle(self, option):
"""Return the OptionValue corresponding to the given Option instance,
depending on the command line, environment, and extra arguments, and
the actual option or variable that set it.
Only works once for a given Option.
assert isinstance(option, Option)
arg, origin = self._prepare(option, self._args)
ret = option.get_value(arg, origin)
extra_arg, extra_origin = self._prepare(option, self._extra_args)
extra_ret = option.get_value(extra_arg, extra_origin)
if extra_ret.origin == "default":
return ret, arg
if ret.origin != "default" and extra_ret != ret:
raise ConflictingOptionError(
"Cannot add '{arg}' to the {origin} set because it conflicts "
"with {old_arg} from the {old_origin} set",
return extra_ret, extra_arg
def __iter__(self):
for d in (self._args, self._extra_args):
for arg, pos in six.itervalues(d):
yield arg