Name Description Size
browser.js 0
length.js --- es6id: description: Function.prototye[Symbol.hasInstance] `length` property info: | ES6 Section 17: Every built-in Function object, including constructors, has a length property whose value is an integer. Unless otherwise specified, this value is equal to the largest number of named arguments shown in the subclause headings for the function description, including optional parameters. [...] Unless otherwise specified, the length property of a built-in Function object has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }. features: [Symbol.hasInstance] includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 987
name.js --- es6id: description: > The value of the name property of this function is "[Symbol.hasInstance]". 17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects features: [Symbol.hasInstance] includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 552
prop-desc.js --- es6id: description: Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance] property descriptor info: | This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false }. features: [Symbol.hasInstance] includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 705
shell.js 0
this-val-bound-target.js --- es6id: description: Invoked on a bound function info: | 1. Let F be the this value. 2. Return OrdinaryHasInstance(F, V). 7.3.19 OrdinaryHasInstance (C, O) 1. If IsCallable(C) is false, return false. 2. If C has a [[BoundTargetFunction]] internal slot, then a. Let BC be the value of C’s [[BoundTargetFunction]] internal slot. b. Return InstanceofOperator(O,BC) (see 12.9.4). features: [Symbol.hasInstance] --- 748
this-val-not-callable.js --- es6id: description: Non-callable `this` value info: | 1. Let F be the this value. 2. Return OrdinaryHasInstance(F, V). 7.3.19 OrdinaryHasInstance (C, O) 1. If IsCallable(C) is false, return false. features: [Symbol.hasInstance] --- 574
this-val-poisoned-prototype.js --- es6id: description: Error thrown when accessing `prototype` property of `this` value info: | 1. Let F be the this value. 2. Return OrdinaryHasInstance(F, V). 7.3.19 OrdinaryHasInstance (C, O) [...] 4. Let P be Get(C, "prototype"). 5. ReturnIfAbrupt(P). features: [Symbol.hasInstance] --- 793
this-val-prototype-non-obj.js --- es6id: description: Error thrown when accessing `prototype` property of `this` value info: | 1. Let F be the this value. 2. Return OrdinaryHasInstance(F, V). 7.3.19 OrdinaryHasInstance (C, O) [...] 4. Let P be Get(C, "prototype"). 5. ReturnIfAbrupt(P). 6. If Type(P) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. features: [Symbol, Symbol.hasInstance] --- 1148
value-get-prototype-of-err.js --- es6id: description: > Error thrown when invoking argument's [[GetPrototypeOf]] internal method info: | 1. Let F be the this value. 2. Return OrdinaryHasInstance(F, V). 7.3.19 OrdinaryHasInstance (C, O) [...] 7. Repeat a. Let O be O.[[GetPrototypeOf]](). b. ReturnIfAbrupt(O). c. If O is null, return false. d. If SameValue(P, O) is true, return true. features: [Proxy, Symbol.hasInstance] --- 917
value-negative.js --- es6id: description: > Constructor is not defined in the argument's prototype chain info: | 1. Let F be the this value. 2. Return OrdinaryHasInstance(F, V). 7.3.19 OrdinaryHasInstance (C, O) [...] 7. Repeat a. Let O be O.[[GetPrototypeOf]](). b. ReturnIfAbrupt(O). c. If O is null, return false. d. If SameValue(P, O) is true, return true. features: [Symbol.hasInstance] --- 789
value-non-obj.js --- es6id: description: Non-object argument info: | 1. Let F be the this value. 2. Return OrdinaryHasInstance(F, V). 7.3.19 OrdinaryHasInstance (C, O) [...] 3. If Type(O) is not Object, return false. features: [Symbol, Symbol.hasInstance] --- 908
value-positive.js --- es6id: description: > Constructor is defined in the argument's prototype chain info: | 1. Let F be the this value. 2. Return OrdinaryHasInstance(F, V). 7.3.19 OrdinaryHasInstance (C, O) [...] 7. Repeat a. Let O be O.[[GetPrototypeOf]](). b. ReturnIfAbrupt(O). c. If O is null, return false. d. If SameValue(P, O) is true, return true. features: [Symbol.hasInstance] --- 771