Name Description Size
SkBitmapKey.h 524
SkClusterator.cpp 2121
SkClusterator.h Given the m-to-n glyph-to-character mapping data (as returned by harfbuzz), iterate over the clusters. 1362
SkDeflate.cpp 4631
SkDeflate.h Wrap a stream in this class to compress the information written to this stream using the Deflate algorithm. See 1625
SkDocument_PDF_None.cpp 614
SkJpegInfo.cpp 3873
SkJpegInfo.h Returns true if the data seems to be a valid JPEG image with a known colorType. @param [out] size Image size in pixels @param [out] colorType Encoded color type (kGray_Color, kYUV_Color, several others). @param [out] orientation EXIF Orientation of the image. 824
SkKeyedImage.cpp 1333
SkKeyedImage.h This class has all the advantages of SkBitmaps and SkImages. The SkImage holds on to encoded data. The SkBitmapKey properly de-dups subsets. 1342
SkPDFBitmap.cpp It is necessary to average the color component of transparent pixels with their surrounding neighbors since the PDF renderer may separately re-sample the alpha and color channels when the image is not displayed at its native resolution. Since an alpha of zero gives no information about the color component, the pathological case is a white image with sharp transparency bounds - the color channel goes to black, and the should-be-transparent pixels are rendered as grey because of the separate soft mask and color resizing. e.g.: gm/bitmappremul.cpp 13006
SkPDFBitmap.h Serialize a SkImage as an Image Xobject. quality > 100 means lossless 583
SkPDFDevice.cpp 68709
SkPDFDevice.h \class SkPDFDevice An SkPDFDevice is the drawing context for a page or layer of PDF content. 8038
SkPDFDocument.cpp 29124
SkPDFDocumentPriv.h Concrete implementation of SkDocument that creates PDF files. This class does not produced linearized or optimized PDFs; instead it it attempts to use a minimum amount of RAM. 6303
SkPDFFont.cpp Resources are canonicalized and uniqueified by pointer so there has to be some additional state indicating which subset of the font is used. It must be maintained at the document granularity. 31778
SkPDFFont.h \class SkPDFFont A PDF Object class representing a font. The font may have resources attached to it in order to embed the font. SkPDFFonts are canonicalized so that resource deduplication will only include one copy of a font. This class uses the same pattern as SkPDFGraphicState, a static weak reference to each instantiated class. 5399
SkPDFFormXObject.cpp 1650
SkPDFFormXObject.h A form XObject is a self contained description of a graphics object. A form XObject is a page object with slightly different syntax, that can be drawn into a page content stream, just like a bitmap XObject can be drawn into a page content stream. 1057
SkPDFGlyphUse.h 1713
SkPDFGradientShader.cpp Assumes t - startOffset is on the stack and does a linear interpolation on t between startOffset and endOffset from prevColor to curColor (for each color component), leaving the result in component order on the stack. It assumes there are always 3 components per color. @param range endOffset - startOffset @param beginColor The previous color. @param endColor The current color. @param result The result ps function. 41268
SkPDFGradientShader.h 2218
SkPDFGraphicStackState.cpp 8639
SkPDFGraphicStackState.h 1636
SkPDFGraphicState.cpp 5520
SkPDFGraphicState.h \class SkPDFGraphicState SkPaint objects roughly correspond to graphic state dictionaries that can be installed. So that a given dictionary is only output to the pdf file once, we want to canonicalize them. 2347
SkPDFMakeCIDGlyphWidthsArray.cpp Retrieve advance data for glyphs. Used by the PDF backend. 7424
SkPDFMakeCIDGlyphWidthsArray.h PDF 32000-1:2008, page 270: "The array's elements have a variable format that can specify individual widths for consecutive CIDs or one width for a range of CIDs". 788
SkPDFMakeToUnicodeCmap.cpp 8035
SkPDFMakeToUnicodeCmap.h 926
SkPDFMetadata.cpp 12267
SkPDFMetadata.h 868
SkPDFResourceDict.cpp 3769
SkPDFResourceDict.h Create a PDF resource dictionary. The full set of ProcSet entries is automatically created for backwards compatibility, as recommended by the PDF spec. Any arguments can be nullptr. 1384
SkPDFShader.cpp 15406
SkPDFShader.h Make a PDF shader for the passed SkShader. If the SkShader is invalid in some way, returns nullptr. In PDF parlance, this is a pattern, used in place of a color when the pattern color space is selected. May cache the shader in the document for later re-use. If this function is called again with an equivalent shader, a new reference to the cached pdf shader may be returned. @param doc The parent document, must be non-null. @param shader The SkShader to emulate. @param ctm The current transform matrix. (PDF shaders are absolutely positioned, relative to where the page is drawn.) @param surfaceBBox The bounding box of the drawing surface (with matrix already applied). @param paintColor Color+Alpha of the paint. Color is usually ignored, unless it is a alpha shader. 2316
SkPDFSubsetFont.h 623
SkPDFTag.cpp 13151
SkPDFTag.h 2170
SkPDFType1Font.cpp "A standard Type 1 font program, as described in the Adobe Type 1 Font Format specification, consists of three parts: a clear-text portion (written using PostScript syntax), an encrypted portion, and a fixed-content portion. The fixed-content portion contains 512 ASCII zeros followed by a cleartomark operator, and perhaps followed by additional data. Although the encrypted portion of a standard Type 1 font may be in binary or ASCII hexadecimal format, PDF supports only the binary format." 12948
SkPDFType1Font.h 359
SkPDFTypes.cpp 19752
SkPDFTypes.h \class SkPDFObject A PDF Object is the base class for primitive elements in a PDF file. A common subtype is used to ease the use of indirect object references, which are common in the PDF format. 6412
SkPDFUnion.h A SkPDFUnion is a non-virtualized implementation of the non-compound, non-specialized PDF Object types: Name, String, Number, Boolean. 3364
SkPDFUtils.cpp 14310
SkPDFUtils.h 4966
SkUUID.h 551