Name Description Size
SkAddIntersections.cpp 28212
SkAddIntersections.h 355
SkDConicLineIntersection.cpp 14649
SkDCubicLineIntersection.cpp Find the intersection of a line and cubic by solving for valid t values. Analogous to line-quadratic intersection, solve line-cubic intersection by representing the cubic as: x = a(1-t)^3 + 2b(1-t)^2t + c(1-t)t^2 + dt^3 y = e(1-t)^3 + 2f(1-t)^2t + g(1-t)t^2 + ht^3 and the line as: y = i*x + j (if the line is more horizontal) or: x = i*y + j (if the line is more vertical) Then using Mathematica, solve for the values of t where the cubic intersects the line: (in) Resultant[ a*(1 - t)^3 + 3*b*(1 - t)^2*t + 3*c*(1 - t)*t^2 + d*t^3 - x, e*(1 - t)^3 + 3*f*(1 - t)^2*t + 3*g*(1 - t)*t^2 + h*t^3 - i*x - j, x] (out) -e + j + 3 e t - 3 f t - 3 e t^2 + 6 f t^2 - 3 g t^2 + e t^3 - 3 f t^3 + 3 g t^3 - h t^3 + i ( a - 3 a t + 3 b t + 3 a t^2 - 6 b t^2 + 3 c t^2 - a t^3 + 3 b t^3 - 3 c t^3 + d t^3 ) if i goes to infinity, we can rewrite the line in terms of x. Mathematica: (in) Resultant[ a*(1 - t)^3 + 3*b*(1 - t)^2*t + 3*c*(1 - t)*t^2 + d*t^3 - i*y - j, e*(1 - t)^3 + 3*f*(1 - t)^2*t + 3*g*(1 - t)*t^2 + h*t^3 - y, y] (out) a - j - 3 a t + 3 b t + 3 a t^2 - 6 b t^2 + 3 c t^2 - a t^3 + 3 b t^3 - 3 c t^3 + d t^3 - i ( e - 3 e t + 3 f t + 3 e t^2 - 6 f t^2 + 3 g t^2 - e t^3 + 3 f t^3 - 3 g t^3 + h t^3 ) Solving this with Mathematica produces an expression with hundreds of terms; instead, use Numeric Solutions recipe to solve the cubic. The near-horizontal case, in terms of: Ax^3 + Bx^2 + Cx + D == 0 A = (-(-e + 3*f - 3*g + h) + i*(-a + 3*b - 3*c + d) ) B = 3*(-( e - 2*f + g ) + i*( a - 2*b + c ) ) C = 3*(-(-e + f ) + i*(-a + b ) ) D = (-( e ) + i*( a ) + j ) The near-vertical case, in terms of: Ax^3 + Bx^2 + Cx + D == 0 A = ( (-a + 3*b - 3*c + d) - i*(-e + 3*f - 3*g + h) ) B = 3*( ( a - 2*b + c ) - i*( e - 2*f + g ) ) C = 3*( (-a + b ) - i*(-e + f ) ) D = ( ( a ) - i*( e ) - j ) For horizontal lines: (in) Resultant[ a*(1 - t)^3 + 3*b*(1 - t)^2*t + 3*c*(1 - t)*t^2 + d*t^3 - j, e*(1 - t)^3 + 3*f*(1 - t)^2*t + 3*g*(1 - t)*t^2 + h*t^3 - y, y] (out) e - j - 3 e t + 3 f t + 3 e t^2 - 6 f t^2 + 3 g t^2 - e t^3 + 3 f t^3 - 3 g t^3 + h t^3 16997
SkDCubicToQuads.cpp 1397
SkDLineIntersection.cpp Slopes match when denom goes to zero: axLen / ayLen == bxLen / byLen (ayLen * byLen) * axLen / ayLen == (ayLen * byLen) * bxLen / byLen byLen * axLen == ayLen * bxLen byLen * axLen - ayLen * bxLen == 0 ( == denom ) 12606
SkDQuadLineIntersection.cpp Find the intersection of a line and quadratic by solving for valid t values. From "A Bezier curve is a parametric function. A quadratic Bezier curve (i.e. three control points) can be expressed as: F(t) = A(1 - t)^2 + B(1 - t)t + Ct^2 where A, B and C are points and t goes from zero to one. This will give you two equations: x = a(1 - t)^2 + b(1 - t)t + ct^2 y = d(1 - t)^2 + e(1 - t)t + ft^2 If you add for instance the line equation (y = kx + m) to that, you'll end up with three equations and three unknowns (x, y and t)." Similar to above, the quadratic is represented as x = a(1-t)^2 + 2b(1-t)t + ct^2 y = d(1-t)^2 + 2e(1-t)t + ft^2 and the line as y = g*x + h Using Mathematica, solve for the values of t where the quadratic intersects the line: (in) t1 = Resultant[a*(1 - t)^2 + 2*b*(1 - t)*t + c*t^2 - x, d*(1 - t)^2 + 2*e*(1 - t)*t + f*t^2 - g*x - h, x] (out) -d + h + 2 d t - 2 e t - d t^2 + 2 e t^2 - f t^2 + g (a - 2 a t + 2 b t + a t^2 - 2 b t^2 + c t^2) (in) Solve[t1 == 0, t] (out) { {t -> (-2 d + 2 e + 2 a g - 2 b g - Sqrt[(2 d - 2 e - 2 a g + 2 b g)^2 - 4 (-d + 2 e - f + a g - 2 b g + c g) (-d + a g + h)]) / (2 (-d + 2 e - f + a g - 2 b g + c g)) }, {t -> (-2 d + 2 e + 2 a g - 2 b g + Sqrt[(2 d - 2 e - 2 a g + 2 b g)^2 - 4 (-d + 2 e - f + a g - 2 b g + c g) (-d + a g + h)]) / (2 (-d + 2 e - f + a g - 2 b g + c g)) } } Using the results above (when the line tends towards horizontal) A = (-(d - 2*e + f) + g*(a - 2*b + c) ) B = 2*( (d - e ) - g*(a - b ) ) C = (-(d ) + g*(a ) + h ) If g goes to infinity, we can rewrite the line in terms of x. x = g'*y + h' And solve accordingly in Mathematica: (in) t2 = Resultant[a*(1 - t)^2 + 2*b*(1 - t)*t + c*t^2 - g'*y - h', d*(1 - t)^2 + 2*e*(1 - t)*t + f*t^2 - y, y] (out) a - h' - 2 a t + 2 b t + a t^2 - 2 b t^2 + c t^2 - g' (d - 2 d t + 2 e t + d t^2 - 2 e t^2 + f t^2) (in) Solve[t2 == 0, t] (out) { {t -> (2 a - 2 b - 2 d g' + 2 e g' - Sqrt[(-2 a + 2 b + 2 d g' - 2 e g')^2 - 4 (a - 2 b + c - d g' + 2 e g' - f g') (a - d g' - h')]) / (2 (a - 2 b + c - d g' + 2 e g' - f g')) }, {t -> (2 a - 2 b - 2 d g' + 2 e g' + Sqrt[(-2 a + 2 b + 2 d g' - 2 e g')^2 - 4 (a - 2 b + c - d g' + 2 e g' - f g') (a - d g' - h')])/ (2 (a - 2 b + c - d g' + 2 e g' - f g')) } } Thus, if the slope of the line tends towards vertical, we use: A = ( (a - 2*b + c) - g'*(d - 2*e + f) ) B = 2*(-(a - b ) + g'*(d - e ) ) C = ( (a ) - g'*(d ) - h' ) 17076
SkIntersectionHelper.h 2383
SkIntersections.cpp 5961
SkIntersections.h 11125
SkLineParameters.h 5389
SkOpAngle.cpp Angles are sorted counterclockwise. The smallest angle has a positive x and the smallest positive y. The largest angle has a positive x and a zero y. 44190
SkOpAngle.h 4310
SkOpBuilder.cpp OPTIMIZATION: Union doesn't need to be all-or-nothing. A run of three or more convex paths with union ops could be locally resolved and still improve over doing the ops one at a time. 6877
SkOpCoincidence.cpp Please keep this in sync with debugCorrectEnds 55802
SkOpCoincidence.h 12145
SkOpContour.cpp 3196
SkOpContour.h 11842
SkOpCubicHull.cpp Given a cubic, find the convex hull described by the end and control points. The hull may have 3 or 4 points. Cubics that degenerate into a point or line are not considered. The hull is computed by assuming that three points, if unique and non-linear, form a triangle. The fourth point may replace one of the first three, may be discarded if in the triangle or on an edge, or may be inserted between any of the three to form a convex quadralateral. The indices returned in order describe the convex hull. 5595
SkOpEdgeBuilder.cpp 14737
SkOpEdgeBuilder.h 2155
SkOpSegment.cpp After computing raw intersections, post process all segments to: - find small collections of points that can be collapsed to a single point - find missing intersections to resolve differences caused by different algorithms Consider segments containing tiny or small intervals. Consider coincident segments because coincidence finds intersections through distance measurement that non-coincident intersection tests cannot. 63835
SkOpSegment.h 15497
SkOpSpan.cpp 14806
SkOpSpan.h 15717
SkPathOpsAsWinding.cpp 16076
SkPathOpsBounds.h 2225
SkPathOpsCommon.cpp 11534
SkPathOpsCommon.h 1159
SkPathOpsConic.cpp see quad subdivide for point rationale 6183
SkPathOpsConic.h 6357
SkPathOpsCubic.cpp classic one t subdivision 27268
SkPathOpsCubic.h Return the number of valid roots (0 < root < 1) for this cubic intersecting the specified horizontal line. 8725
SkPathOpsCurve.cpp 5403
SkPathOpsCurve.h 12369
SkPathOpsDebug.cpp 115005
SkPathOpsDebug.h 14883
SkPathOpsLine.cpp 5400
SkPathOpsLine.h 1288
SkPathOpsOp.cpp 14574
SkPathOpsPoint.h 8735
SkPathOpsQuad.cpp started with at_most_end_pts_in_common from SkDQuadIntersection.cpp 13491
SkPathOpsQuad.h Return the number of valid roots (0 < root < 1) for this cubic intersecting the specified horizontal line. 6720
SkPathOpsRect.cpp 2026
SkPathOpsRect.h 2091
SkPathOpsSimplify.cpp 8376
SkPathOpsTCurve.h 1645
SkPathOpsTightBounds.cpp 3002
SkPathOpsTSect.cpp 70315
SkPathOpsTSect.h 10033
SkPathOpsTypes.cpp 7429
SkPathOpsTypes.h 16729
SkPathOpsWinding.cpp 14435
SkPathWriter.cpp 14197
SkPathWriter.h defined(__PathOps__SkPathWriter__) 1959
SkReduceOrder.cpp 9278
SkReduceOrder.h 907