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<window id="364461Test"
title="364461 test">
<script type="application/javascript" src="docshell_helpers.js" />
<script type="application/javascript"><![CDATA[
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.navigation.requireUserInteraction", false);
var gBrowser;
async function runTest() {
gBrowser = document.getElementById("content");
// Tests 1 + 2:
// Back/forward between two simple documents. Bfcache will be used.
var test1Doc = "data:text/html,<html><head><title>test1</title></head>" +
await promisePageNavigation({
uri: test1Doc,
eventsToListenFor: ["load", "pageshow"],
expectedEvents: [{type: "load", title: "test1"},
{type: "pageshow", title: "test1", persisted: false}],
var test2Doc = "data:text/html,<html><head><title>test2</title></head>" +
await promisePageNavigation({
uri: test2Doc,
eventsToListenFor: ["load", "pageshow", "pagehide"],
expectedEvents: [{type: "pagehide", title: "test1", persisted: true},
{type: "load", title: "test2"},
{type: "pageshow", title: "test2", persisted: false}],
await promisePageNavigation({
back: true,
eventsToListenFor: ["pageshow", "pagehide"],
expectedEvents: [{type: "pagehide", title: "test2", persisted: true},
{type: "pageshow", title: "test1", persisted: true}],
await promisePageNavigation({
forward: true,
eventsToListenFor: ["pageshow", "pagehide"],
expectedEvents: [{type: "pagehide", title: "test1", persisted: true},
{type: "pageshow", title: "test2", persisted: true}],
// Tests 3 + 4:
// Back/forward between a two-level deep iframed document and a simple
// document. Bfcache will be used and events should be dispatched to
// all frames.
var test3Doc = "data:text/html,<html><head><title>test3</title>" +
"</head><body>" +
"<iframe src='data:text/html," +
"<html><head><title>test3-nested1</title></head>" +
"<body>test3-nested1" +
"<iframe src=\"data:text/html," +
"<html><head><title>test3-nested2</title></head>" +
"<body>test3-nested2</body></html>\">" +
"</iframe>" +
"</body></html>'>" +
"</iframe>" +
await promisePageNavigation({
uri: test3Doc,
eventsToListenFor: ["load", "pageshow", "pagehide"],
expectedEvents: [{type: "pagehide", title: "test2", persisted: true},
{type: "load", title: "test3-nested2"},
{type: "pageshow", title: "test3-nested2", persisted: false},
{type: "load", title: "test3-nested1"},
{type: "pageshow", title: "test3-nested1", persisted: false},
{type: "load", title: "test3"},
{type: "pageshow", title: "test3", persisted: false}],
var test4Doc = "data:text/html,<html><head><title>test4</title></head>" +
await promisePageNavigation({
uri: test4Doc,
eventsToListenFor: ["load", "pageshow", "pagehide"],
expectedEvents: [{type: "pagehide", title: "test3", persisted: true},
{type: "pagehide", title: "test3-nested1", persisted: true},
{type: "pagehide", title: "test3-nested2", persisted: true},
{type: "load", title: "test4"},
{type: "pageshow", title: "test4", persisted: false}],
await promisePageNavigation({
back: true,
eventsToListenFor: ["pageshow", "pagehide"],
expectedEvents: [{type: "pagehide", title: "test4", persisted: true},
{type: "pageshow", title: "test3-nested2", persisted: true},
{type: "pageshow", title: "test3-nested1", persisted: true},
{type: "pageshow", title: "test3", persisted: true}],
// This is where the two nested pagehide are not dispatched in bug 364461
await promisePageNavigation({
forward: true,
eventsToListenFor: ["pageshow", "pagehide"],
expectedEvents: [{type: "pagehide", title: "test3", persisted: true},
{type: "pagehide", title: "test3-nested1", persisted: true},
{type: "pagehide", title: "test3-nested2", persisted: true},
{type: "pageshow", title: "test4", persisted: true}],
// Tests 5 + 6:
// Back/forward between a document containing an unload handler and a
// a simple document. Bfcache won't be used for the first one (see
var test5Doc = "data:text/html,<html><head><title>test5</title></head>" +
"<body onunload='while(false) { /* nop */ }'>" +
await promisePageNavigation({
uri: test5Doc,
eventsToListenFor: ["load", "pageshow", "pagehide"],
expectedEvents: [{type: "pagehide", title: "test4", persisted: true},
{type: "load", title: "test5"},
{type: "pageshow", title: "test5", persisted: false}],
var test6Doc = "data:text/html,<html><head><title>test6</title></head>" +
await promisePageNavigation({
uri: test6Doc,
eventsToListenFor: ["load", "unload", "pageshow", "pagehide"],
expectedEvents: [{type: "pagehide", title: "test5", persisted: false},
{type: "unload", title: "test5"},
{type: "load", title: "test6"},
{type: "pageshow", title: "test6", persisted: false}],
await promisePageNavigation({
back: true,
eventsToListenFor: ["load", "pageshow", "pagehide"],
expectedEvents: [{type: "pagehide", title: "test6", persisted: true},
{type: "load", title: "test5"},
{type: "pageshow", title: "test5", persisted: false}],
await promisePageNavigation({
forward: true,
eventsToListenFor: ["unload", "pageshow", "pagehide"],
expectedEvents: [{type: "pagehide", title: "test5", persisted: false},
{type: "unload", title: "test5"},
{type: "pageshow", title: "test6", persisted: true}],
// Test 7:
// Check that navigation is not blocked after a document is restored
// from bfcache
var test7Doc = "data:text/html,<html><head><title>test7</title>" +
"</head><body>" +
"<iframe src='data:text/html," +
"<html><head><title>test7-nested1</title></head>" +
"<body>test7-nested1<br/>" +
"<a href=\"data:text/plain,aaa\" target=\"_top\">" +
"Click me, hit back, click me again</a>" +
"</body></html>'>" +
"</iframe>" +
await promisePageNavigation({
uri: test7Doc,
eventsToListenFor: ["load", "pageshow", "pagehide"],
expectedEvents: [{type: "pagehide", title: "test6", persisted: true},
{type: "load", title: "test7-nested1"},
{type: "pageshow", title: "test7-nested1", persisted: false},
{type: "load", title: "test7"},
{type: "pageshow", title: "test7", persisted: false}],
// Simulates a click on the link inside the iframe
function clickIframeLink() {
SpecialPowers.spawn(TestWindow.getBrowser(), [], () => {
var iframe = content.document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0];
var w = iframe.contentWindow;
var d = iframe.contentDocument;
var evt = d.createEvent("MouseEvents");
evt.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, w,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
let clicked = promisePageNavigation({
eventsToListenFor: ["load", "pageshow", "pagehide"],
expectedEvents: [{type: "pagehide", title: "test7", persisted: true},
{type: "pagehide", title: "test7-nested1", persisted: true},
{type: "load"},
{type: "pageshow", persisted: false}],
waitForEventsOnly: true,
await clicked;
is(gBrowser.currentURI.spec, "data:text/plain,aaa",
"Navigation is blocked when clicking link");
await promisePageNavigation({
back: true,
eventsToListenFor: ["pageshow", "pagehide"],
expectedEvents: [{type: "pagehide", persisted: true},
{type: "pageshow", title: "test7-nested1", persisted: true},
{type: "pageshow", title: "test7", persisted: true}],
clicked = promisePageNavigation({
eventsToListenFor: ["load", "pageshow", "pagehide"],
expectedEvents: [{type: "pagehide", title: "test7", persisted: true},
{type: "pagehide", title: "test7-nested1", persisted: true},
{type: "load"},
{type: "pageshow", persisted: false}],
waitForEventsOnly: true,
await clicked;
is(gBrowser.currentURI.spec, "data:text/plain,aaa",
"Navigation is blocked when clicking link");
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