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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
### Firefox Home / New Tab strings for about:home / about:newtab.
newtab-page-title = New Tab
newtab-settings-button =
.title = Customize your New Tab page
newtab-personalize-icon-label =
.title = Personalize new tab
.aria-label = Personalize new tab
newtab-personalize-dialog-label =
.aria-label = Personalize
## Search box component.
# "Search" is a verb/action
newtab-search-box-search-button =
.title = Search
.aria-label = Search
# Variables:
# $engine (string) - The name of the user's default search engine
newtab-search-box-handoff-text = Search with { $engine } or enter address
newtab-search-box-handoff-text-no-engine = Search or enter address
# Variables:
# $engine (string) - The name of the user's default search engine
newtab-search-box-handoff-input =
.placeholder = Search with { $engine } or enter address
.title = Search with { $engine } or enter address
.aria-label = Search with { $engine } or enter address
newtab-search-box-handoff-input-no-engine =
.placeholder = Search or enter address
.title = Search or enter address
.aria-label = Search or enter address
newtab-search-box-text = Search the web
newtab-search-box-input =
.placeholder = Search the web
.aria-label = Search the web
## Top Sites - General form dialog.
newtab-topsites-add-search-engine-header = Add Search Engine
newtab-topsites-add-shortcut-header = New Shortcut
newtab-topsites-edit-topsites-header = Edit Top Site
newtab-topsites-edit-shortcut-header = Edit Shortcut
newtab-topsites-add-shortcut-label = Add Shortcut
newtab-topsites-title-label = Title
newtab-topsites-title-input =
.placeholder = Enter a title
newtab-topsites-url-label = URL
newtab-topsites-url-input =
.placeholder = Type or paste a URL
newtab-topsites-url-validation = Valid URL required
newtab-topsites-image-url-label = Custom Image URL
newtab-topsites-use-image-link = Use a custom image…
newtab-topsites-image-validation = Image failed to load. Try a different URL.
## Top Sites - General form dialog buttons. These are verbs/actions.
newtab-topsites-cancel-button = Cancel
newtab-topsites-delete-history-button = Delete from History
newtab-topsites-save-button = Save
newtab-topsites-preview-button = Preview
newtab-topsites-add-button = Add
## Top Sites - Delete history confirmation dialog.
newtab-confirm-delete-history-p1 = Are you sure you want to delete every instance of this page from your history?
# "This action" refers to deleting a page from history.
newtab-confirm-delete-history-p2 = This action cannot be undone.
## Top Sites - Sponsored label
newtab-topsite-sponsored = Sponsored
## Context Menu - Action Tooltips.
# General tooltip for context menus.
newtab-menu-section-tooltip =
.title = Open menu
.aria-label = Open menu
# Tooltip for dismiss button
newtab-dismiss-button-tooltip =
.title = Remove
.aria-label = Remove
# This tooltip is for the context menu of Pocket cards or Topsites
# Variables:
# $title (string) - The label or hostname of the site. This is for screen readers when the context menu button is focused/active.
newtab-menu-content-tooltip =
.title = Open menu
.aria-label = Open context menu for { $title }
# Tooltip on an empty topsite box to open the New Top Site dialog.
newtab-menu-topsites-placeholder-tooltip =
.title = Edit this site
.aria-label = Edit this site
## Context Menu: These strings are displayed in a context menu and are meant as a call to action for a given page.
newtab-menu-edit-topsites = Edit
newtab-menu-open-new-window = Open in a New Window
newtab-menu-open-new-private-window = Open in a New Private Window
newtab-menu-dismiss = Dismiss
newtab-menu-pin = Pin
newtab-menu-unpin = Unpin
newtab-menu-delete-history = Delete from History
newtab-menu-save-to-pocket = Save to { -pocket-brand-name }
newtab-menu-delete-pocket = Delete from { -pocket-brand-name }
newtab-menu-archive-pocket = Archive in { -pocket-brand-name }
newtab-menu-show-privacy-info = Our sponsors & your privacy
## Message displayed in a modal window to explain privacy and provide context for sponsored content.
newtab-privacy-modal-button-done = Done
newtab-privacy-modal-button-manage = Manage sponsored content settings
newtab-privacy-modal-header = Your privacy matters.
newtab-privacy-modal-paragraph-2 =
In addition to dishing up captivating stories, we also show you relevant,
highly-vetted content from select sponsors. Rest assured, <strong>your browsing
data never leaves your personal copy of { -brand-product-name }</strong> — we don’t see it, and our
sponsors don’t either.
newtab-privacy-modal-link = Learn how privacy works on the new tab
# Bookmark is a noun in this case, "Remove bookmark".
newtab-menu-remove-bookmark = Remove Bookmark
# Bookmark is a verb here.
newtab-menu-bookmark = Bookmark
## Context Menu - Downloaded Menu. "Download" in these cases is not a verb,
## it is a noun. As in, "Copy the link that belongs to this downloaded item".
newtab-menu-copy-download-link = Copy Download Link
newtab-menu-go-to-download-page = Go to Download Page
newtab-menu-remove-download = Remove from History
## Context Menu - Download Menu: These are platform specific strings found in the context menu of an item that has
## been downloaded. The intention behind "this action" is that it will show where the downloaded file exists on the file
## system for each operating system.
newtab-menu-show-file =
[macos] Show in Finder
*[other] Open Containing Folder
newtab-menu-open-file = Open File
## Card Labels: These labels are associated to pages to give
## context on how the element is related to the user, e.g. type indicates that
## the page is bookmarked, or is currently open on another device.
newtab-label-visited = Visited
newtab-label-bookmarked = Bookmarked
newtab-label-removed-bookmark = Bookmark removed
newtab-label-recommended = Trending
newtab-label-saved = Saved to { -pocket-brand-name }
newtab-label-download = Downloaded
# This string is used in the story cards to indicate sponsored content
# Variables:
# $sponsorOrSource (string) - The name of a company or their domain
newtab-label-sponsored = { $sponsorOrSource } · Sponsored
# This string is used at the bottom of story cards to indicate sponsored content
# Variables:
# $sponsor (string) - The name of a sponsor
newtab-label-sponsored-by = Sponsored by { $sponsor }
# This string is used under the image of story cards to indicate source and time to read
# Variables:
# $source (string) - The name of a company or their domain
# $timeToRead (number) - The estimated number of minutes to read this story
newtab-label-source-read-time = { $source } · { $timeToRead } min
## Section Menu: These strings are displayed in the section context menu and are
## meant as a call to action for the given section.
newtab-section-menu-remove-section = Remove Section
newtab-section-menu-collapse-section = Collapse Section
newtab-section-menu-expand-section = Expand Section
newtab-section-menu-manage-section = Manage Section
newtab-section-menu-manage-webext = Manage Extension
newtab-section-menu-add-topsite = Add Top Site
newtab-section-menu-add-search-engine = Add Search Engine
newtab-section-menu-move-up = Move Up
newtab-section-menu-move-down = Move Down
newtab-section-menu-privacy-notice = Privacy Notice
## Section aria-labels
newtab-section-collapse-section-label =
.aria-label = Collapse Section
newtab-section-expand-section-label =
.aria-label = Expand Section
## Section Headers.
newtab-section-header-topsites = Top Sites
newtab-section-header-recent-activity = Recent activity
newtab-section-header-stories = Thought-provoking stories
## Empty Section States: These show when there are no more items in a section. Ex. When there are no more Pocket story recommendations, in the space where there would have been stories, this is shown instead.
newtab-empty-section-highlights = Start browsing, and we’ll show some of the great articles, videos, and other pages you’ve recently visited or bookmarked here.
# Ex. When there are no more story recommendations, in the space where there would have been stories, this is shown instead.
newtab-empty-section-topstories-generic = You’ve caught up. Check back later for more stories. Can’t wait? Select a popular topic to find more great stories from around the web.
## Empty Section (Content Discovery Experience). These show when there are no more stories or when some stories fail to load.
newtab-discovery-empty-section-topstories-header = You are caught up!
newtab-discovery-empty-section-topstories-content = Check back later for more stories.
newtab-discovery-empty-section-topstories-try-again-button = Try Again
newtab-discovery-empty-section-topstories-loading = Loading…
# Displays when a layout in a section took too long to fetch articles.
newtab-discovery-empty-section-topstories-timed-out = Oops! We almost loaded this section, but not quite.
## Pocket Content Section.
# This is shown at the bottom of the trending stories section and precedes a list of links to popular topics.
newtab-pocket-read-more = Popular Topics:
newtab-pocket-new-topics-title = Want even more stories? See these popular topics from { -pocket-brand-name }
newtab-pocket-more-recommendations = More Recommendations
newtab-pocket-learn-more = Learn more
newtab-pocket-cta-button = Get { -pocket-brand-name }
newtab-pocket-cta-text = Save the stories you love in { -pocket-brand-name }, and fuel your mind with fascinating reads.
newtab-pocket-pocket-firefox-family = { -pocket-brand-name } is part of the { -brand-product-name } family
# A save to Pocket button that shows over the card thumbnail on hover.
newtab-pocket-save = Save
newtab-pocket-saved = Saved
## Pocket content onboarding experience dialog and modal for new users seeing the Pocket section for the first time, shown as the first item in the Pocket section.
newtab-pocket-onboarding-discover = Discover the best of the web
newtab-pocket-onboarding-cta = { -pocket-brand-name } explores a diverse range of publications to bring the most informative, inspirational, and trustworthy content right to your { -brand-product-name } browser.
## Error Fallback Content.
## This message and suggested action link are shown in each section of UI that fails to render.
newtab-error-fallback-info = Oops, something went wrong loading this content.
newtab-error-fallback-refresh-link = Refresh page to try again.
## Customization Menu
newtab-custom-shortcuts-toggle =
.label = Shortcuts
.description = Sites you save or visit
# Variables
# $num (number) - Number of rows to display
newtab-custom-row-selector =
{ $num ->
[one] { $num } row
*[other] { $num } rows
newtab-custom-sponsored-sites = Sponsored shortcuts
newtab-custom-stories-toggle =
.label = Recommended stories
.description = Exceptional content curated by the { -brand-product-name } family
newtab-custom-pocket-sponsored = Sponsored stories
newtab-custom-pocket-show-recent-saves = Show recent saves
newtab-custom-recent-toggle =
.label = Recent activity
.description = A selection of recent sites and content
newtab-custom-weather-toggle =
.label = Weather
.description = Today’s forecast at a glance
newtab-custom-close-button = Close
newtab-custom-settings = Manage more settings
## New Tab Wallpapers
newtab-wallpaper-title = Wallpapers
newtab-wallpaper-reset = Reset to default
newtab-wallpaper-light-red-panda = Red panda
newtab-wallpaper-light-mountain = White mountain
newtab-wallpaper-light-sky = Sky with purple and pink clouds
newtab-wallpaper-light-color = Blue, pink and yellow shapes
newtab-wallpaper-light-landscape = Blue mist mountain landscape
newtab-wallpaper-light-beach = Beach with palm tree
newtab-wallpaper-dark-aurora = Aurora Borealis
newtab-wallpaper-dark-color = Red and blue shapes
newtab-wallpaper-dark-panda = Red panda hidden in forest
newtab-wallpaper-dark-sky = City landscape with a night sky
newtab-wallpaper-dark-mountain = Landscape mountain
newtab-wallpaper-dark-city = Purple city landscape
# Variables
# $author_string (String) - The name of the creator of the photo.
# $webpage_string (String) - The name of the webpage where the photo is located.
newtab-wallpaper-attribution = Photo by <a data-l10n-name="name-link">{ $author_string }</a> on <a data-l10n-name="webpage-link">{ $webpage_string }</a>
## New Tab Weather
# Variables:
# $provider (string) - Service provider for weather data
newtab-weather-see-forecast =
.title = See forecast in { $provider }
# Variables:
# $provider (string) - Service provider for weather data
newtab-weather-sponsored = { $provider } ∙ Sponsored
newtab-weather-menu-change-location = Change location
newtab-weather-change-location-search-input = Search location
newtab-weather-menu-weather-display = Weather display
# Display options are:
# - Simple: Displays a current weather condition icon and the current temperature
# - Detailed: Include simple information plus a short text summary: e.g. "Mostly cloudy"
newtab-weather-menu-weather-display-option-simple = Simple
newtab-weather-menu-change-weather-display-simple = Switch to simple view
newtab-weather-menu-weather-display-option-detailed = Detailed
newtab-weather-menu-change-weather-display-detailed = Switch to detailed view
newtab-weather-menu-temperature-units = Temperature units
newtab-weather-menu-temperature-option-fahrenheit = Fahrenheit
newtab-weather-menu-temperature-option-celsius = Celsius
newtab-weather-menu-change-temperature-units-fahrenheit = Switch to Fahrenheit
newtab-weather-menu-change-temperature-units-celsius = Switch to Celsius
newtab-weather-menu-hide-weather = Hide weather on New Tab
newtab-weather-menu-learn-more = Learn more
# This message is shown if user is working offline
newtab-weather-error-not-available = Weather data is not available right now.