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Test Info: Warnings

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
* test_nodb: Start search service without existing settings file.
* Ensure that :
* - nothing explodes;
* - if we change the order, search.json.mozlz4 is updated;
* - this search.json.mozlz4 can be parsed;
* - the order stored in search.json.mozlz4 is consistent.
* Notes:
* - we install the search engines of test "test_downloadAndAddEngines.js"
* to ensure that this test is independent from locale, commercial agreements
* and configuration of Firefox.
add_setup(async function () {
await AddonTestUtils.promiseStartupManager();
add_task(async function test_nodb_pluschanges() {
let engine1 = await SearchTestUtils.installOpenSearchEngine({
url: `${gDataUrl}engine.xml`,
let engine2 = await SearchTestUtils.installOpenSearchEngine({
url: `${gDataUrl}engine2.xml`,
await promiseAfterSettings();
let search =;
await search.moveEngine(engine1, 0);
await search.moveEngine(engine2, 1);
// This is needed to avoid some reentrency issues in nsSearchService.
info("Next step is forcing flush");
await new Promise(resolve => executeSoon(resolve));
info("Forcing flush");
let promiseCommit = promiseAfterSettings();
search.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIObserver).observe(null, "quit-application", "");
await promiseCommit;
info("Commit complete");
// Check that the entries are placed as specified correctly
let metadata = await promiseEngineMetadata();
Assert.equal(metadata["Test search engine"].order, 1);
Assert.equal(metadata["A second test engine"].order, 2);