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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef netwerk_dns_GetAddrInfo_h
#define netwerk_dns_GetAddrInfo_h
#include "nsError.h"
#include "nscore.h"
#include "nsINativeDNSResolverOverride.h"
#include "nsHashKeys.h"
#include "nsTHashMap.h"
#include "mozilla/RWLock.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
#include "prio.h"
#include "mozilla/net/DNS.h"
#include "nsIDNSByTypeRecord.h"
#include "mozilla/Logging.h"
#if defined(XP_WIN)
namespace mozilla {
namespace net {
extern LazyLogModule gGetAddrInfoLog;
class AddrInfo;
class DNSPacket;
* Look up a host by name. Mostly equivalent to getaddrinfo(host, NULL, ...) of
* RFC 3493.
* @param aHost[in] Character string defining the host name of interest
* @param aAddressFamily[in] May be AF_INET, AF_INET6, or AF_UNSPEC.
* @param aFlags[in] May be either PR_AI_ADDRCONFIG or
* suppress the determination of the canonical name corresponding to
* hostname (PR_AI_NOCANONNAME will be ignored if the TTL is retrieved).
* @param aAddrInfo[out] Will point to the results of the host lookup, or be
* null if the lookup failed.
* @param aGetTtl[in] If true, the TTL will be retrieved if DNS provides the
* answers..
nsresult GetAddrInfo(const nsACString& aHost, uint16_t aAddressFamily,
uint16_t aFlags, AddrInfo** aAddrInfo, bool aGetTtl);
* Initialize the GetAddrInfo module.
* GetAddrInfoShutdown() should be called for every time this function is
* called.
nsresult GetAddrInfoInit();
* Shutdown the GetAddrInfo module.
* This function should be called for every time GetAddrInfoInit() is called.
* An assertion may throw (but is not guarenteed) if this function is called
* too many times.
nsresult GetAddrInfoShutdown();
void DNSThreadShutdown();
* Resolves a HTTPS record. Will check overrides before calling the
* native OS implementation.
nsresult ResolveHTTPSRecord(const nsACString& aHost, uint16_t aFlags,
TypeRecordResultType& aResult, uint32_t& aTTL);
* The platform specific implementation of HTTPS resolution.
nsresult ResolveHTTPSRecordImpl(const nsACString& aHost, uint16_t aFlags,
TypeRecordResultType& aResult, uint32_t& aTTL);
nsresult ParseHTTPSRecord(nsCString& aHost, DNSPacket& aDNSPacket,
TypeRecordResultType& aResult, uint32_t& aTTL);
class NativeDNSResolverOverride : public nsINativeDNSResolverOverride {
NativeDNSResolverOverride() = default;
static already_AddRefed<nsINativeDNSResolverOverride> GetSingleton();
virtual ~NativeDNSResolverOverride() = default;
mozilla::RWLock mLock MOZ_UNANNOTATED{"NativeDNSResolverOverride"};
nsTHashMap<nsCStringHashKey, nsTArray<NetAddr>> mOverrides;
nsTHashMap<nsCStringHashKey, nsCString> mCnames;
nsTHashMap<nsCStringHashKey, nsTArray<uint8_t>> mHTTPSRecordOverrides;
friend bool FindAddrOverride(const nsACString& aHost, uint16_t aAddressFamily,
uint16_t aFlags, AddrInfo** aAddrInfo);
friend bool FindHTTPSRecordOverride(const nsACString& aHost,
TypeRecordResultType& aResult);
} // namespace net
} // namespace mozilla
#endif // netwerk_dns_GetAddrInfo_h