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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const {
const ENABLE_CODE_FOLDING = "devtools.editor.enableCodeFolding";
const KEYMAP_PREF = "devtools.editor.keymap";
const AUTO_CLOSE = "devtools.editor.autoclosebrackets";
const AUTOCOMPLETE = "devtools.editor.autocomplete";
const CARET_BLINK_TIME = "ui.caretBlinkTime";
const XHTML_NS = "";
const VALID_KEYMAPS = new Map([
// Maximum allowed margin (in number of lines) from top or bottom of the editor
// while shifting to a line which was initially out of view.
const RE_JUMP_TO_LINE = /^(\d+):?(\d+)?/;
const AUTOCOMPLETE_MARK_CLASSNAME = "cm-auto-complete-shadow-text";
const EventEmitter = require("resource://devtools/shared/event-emitter.js");
const { PrefObserver } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/prefs.js");
const KeyShortcuts = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/key-shortcuts.js");
const { LocalizationHelper } = require("resource://devtools/shared/l10n.js");
const L10N = new LocalizationHelper(
const { OS } = Services.appinfo;
// CM_BUNDLE and CM_IFRAME represent the HTML and JavaScript that is
// injected into an iframe in order to initialize a CodeMirror instance.
const CM_BUNDLE =
const CM_IFRAME =
const CM_MAPPING = [
const editors = new WeakMap();
* A very thin wrapper around CodeMirror. Provides a number
* of helper methods to make our use of CodeMirror easier and
* another method, appendTo, to actually create and append
* the CodeMirror instance.
* Note that Editor doesn't expose CodeMirror instance to the
* outside world.
* Constructor accepts one argument, config. It is very
* similar to the CodeMirror configuration object so for most
* properties go to CodeMirror's documentation (see below).
* Other than that, it accepts one additional and optional
* property contextMenu. This property should be an element, or
* an ID of an element that we can use as a context menu.
* This object is also an event emitter.
class Editor extends EventEmitter {
// Static methods on the Editor object itself.
* Returns a string representation of a shortcut 'key' with
* a OS specific modifier. Cmd- for Macs, Ctrl- for other
* platforms. Useful with extraKeys configuration option.
* CodeMirror defines all keys with modifiers in the following
* order: Shift - Ctrl/Cmd - Alt - Key
static accel(key, modifiers = {}) {
return (
(modifiers.shift ? "Shift-" : "") +
(Services.appinfo.OS == "Darwin" ? "Cmd-" : "Ctrl-") +
(modifiers.alt ? "Alt-" : "") +
* Returns a string representation of a shortcut for a
* specified command 'cmd'. Append Cmd- for macs, Ctrl- for other
* platforms unless noaccel is specified in the options. Useful when overwriting
* or disabling default shortcuts.
static keyFor(cmd, opts = { noaccel: false }) {
const key = L10N.getStr(cmd + ".commandkey");
return opts.noaccel ? key : Editor.accel(key);
static modes = {
cljs: { name: "text/x-clojure" },
css: { name: "css" },
fs: { name: "x-shader/x-fragment" },
haxe: { name: "haxe" },
http: { name: "http" },
html: { name: "htmlmixed" },
js: { name: "javascript" },
text: { name: "text" },
vs: { name: "x-shader/x-vertex" },
wasm: { name: "wasm" },
container = null;
version = null;
config = null;
Doc = null;
#lineGutterMarkers = new Map();
#lineContentMarkers = new Map();
#lineContentEventHandlers = {};
#updateListener = null;
constructor(config) {
const tabSize = Services.prefs.getIntPref(TAB_SIZE);
const useTabs = !Services.prefs.getBoolPref(EXPAND_TAB);
const useAutoClose = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(AUTO_CLOSE);
this.version = null;
this.config = {
cm6: false,
value: "",
mode: Editor.modes.text,
indentUnit: tabSize,
contextMenu: null,
matchBrackets: true,
highlightSelectionMatches: {
wordsOnly: true,
extraKeys: {},
indentWithTabs: useTabs,
inputStyle: "accessibleTextArea",
// This is because codeMirror queries the underlying textArea for some things that
// can't be retrieved with events in some browser (but we're fine in Firefox).
pollInterval: Math.pow(2, 31) - 1,
styleActiveLine: true,
autoCloseBrackets: "()[]{}''\"\"``",
autoCloseEnabled: useAutoClose,
theme: "mozilla",
themeSwitching: true,
autocomplete: false,
autocompleteOpts: {},
// Expect a CssProperties object (see devtools/client/fronts/css-properties.js)
cssProperties: null,
// Set to true to prevent the search addon to be activated.
disableSearchAddon: false,
maxHighlightLength: 1000,
// Disable codeMirror setTimeout-based cursor blinking (will be replaced by a CSS animation)
cursorBlinkRate: 0,
// List of non-printable chars that will be displayed in the editor, showing their
// unicode version. We only add a few characters to the default list:
// eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex
specialCharPlaceholder: char => {
// Use the doc provided to the setup function if we don't have a reference to a codeMirror
// editor yet (this can happen when an Editor is being created with existing content)
const doc = this.#ownerDoc;
const el = doc.createElement("span");
return el;
// Additional shortcuts.
this.config.extraKeys[Editor.keyFor("jumpToLine")] = () =>
this.config.extraKeys[Editor.keyFor("moveLineUp", { noaccel: true })] =
() => this.moveLineUp();
this.config.extraKeys[Editor.keyFor("moveLineDown", { noaccel: true })] =
() => this.moveLineDown();
this.config.extraKeys[Editor.keyFor("toggleComment")] = "toggleComment";
// Disable ctrl-[ and ctrl-] because toolbox uses those shortcuts.
this.config.extraKeys[Editor.keyFor("indentLess")] = false;
this.config.extraKeys[Editor.keyFor("indentMore")] = false;
// Disable Alt-B and Alt-F to navigate groups (respectively previous and next) since:
// - it's not standard in input fields
// - it also inserts a character which feels weird
this.config.extraKeys["Alt-B"] = false;
this.config.extraKeys["Alt-F"] = false;
// Disable Ctrl/Cmd + U as it's used for "View Source". It's okay to disable Ctrl+U as
// the underlying command, `undoSelection`, isn't standard in input fields and isn't
// widely known.
this.config.extraKeys[Editor.accel("U")] = false;
// Disable keys that trigger events with a null-string `which` property.
// It looks like some of those (e.g. the Function key), can trigger a poll
// which fails to see that there's a selection, which end up replacing the
// selected text with an empty string.
// TODO: We should investigate the root cause.
this.config.extraKeys["'\u0000'"] = false;
// Overwrite default config with user-provided, if needed.
Object.keys(config).forEach(k => {
if (k != "extraKeys") {
this.config[k] = config[k];
if (!config.extraKeys) {
Object.keys(config.extraKeys).forEach(key => {
this.config.extraKeys[key] = config.extraKeys[key];
if (!this.config.gutters) {
this.config.gutters = [];
if (
this.config.lineNumbers &&
) {
// Remember the initial value of autoCloseBrackets.
this.config.autoCloseBracketsSaved = this.config.autoCloseBrackets;
// Overwrite default tab behavior. If something is selected,
// indent those lines. If nothing is selected and we're
// indenting with tabs, insert one tab. Otherwise insert N
// whitespaces where N == indentUnit option.
this.config.extraKeys.Tab = cm => {
if (config.extraKeys?.Tab) {
// If a consumer registers its own extraKeys.Tab, we execute it before doing
// anything else. If it returns false, that mean that all the key handling work is
// done, so we can do an early return.
const res = config.extraKeys.Tab(cm);
if (res === false) {
if (cm.somethingSelected()) {
if (this.config.indentWithTabs) {
cm.replaceSelection("\t", "end", "+input");
let num = cm.getOption("indentUnit");
if (cm.getCursor().ch !== 0) {
num -= cm.getCursor().ch % num;
cm.replaceSelection(" ".repeat(num), "end", "+input");
if (this.config.cssProperties) {
// Ensure that autocompletion has cssProperties if it's passed in via the options.
this.config.autocompleteOpts.cssProperties = this.config.cssProperties;
* Exposes the CodeMirror class. We want to be able to
* invoke static commands such as runMode for syntax highlighting.
get CodeMirror() {
const codeMirror = editors.get(this);
return codeMirror?.constructor;
* Exposes the CodeMirror instance. We want to get away from trying to
* abstract away the API entirely, and this makes it easier to integrate in
* various environments and do complex things.
get codeMirror() {
if (!editors.has(this)) {
throw new Error(
"CodeMirror instance does not exist. You must wait " +
"for it to be appended to the DOM."
return editors.get(this);
* Return whether there is a CodeMirror instance associated with this Editor.
get hasCodeMirror() {
return editors.has(this);
* Appends the current Editor instance to the element specified by
* 'el'. You can also provide your own iframe to host the editor as
* an optional second parameter. This method actually creates and
* loads CodeMirror and all its dependencies.
* This method is asynchronous and returns a promise.
appendTo(el, env) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const cm = editors.get(this);
if (!env) {
env = el.ownerDocument.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "iframe");
env.className = "source-editor-frame";
if (cm) {
throw new Error("You can append an editor only once.");
const onLoad = () => {
// Prevent flickering by showing the iframe once loaded. = "";
const win = env.contentWindow.wrappedJSObject;
this.container = env;
const editorEl = win.document.body;
const editorDoc = el.ownerDocument;
if (this.config.cm6) {
this.#setupCm6(editorEl, editorDoc);
} else {
this.#setup(editorEl, editorDoc);
}; = "hidden";
env.addEventListener("load", onLoad, { capture: true, once: true });
env.src = CM_IFRAME;
this.once("destroy", () => el.removeChild(env));
appendToLocalElement(el) {
if (this.config.cm6) {
} else {
// This update listener allows listening to the changes
// to the codemiror editor.
setUpdateListener(listener = null) {
this.#updateListener = listener;
* Do the actual appending and configuring of the CodeMirror instance. This is
* used by both append functions above, and does all the hard work to
* configure CodeMirror with all the right options/modes/etc.
#setup(el, doc) {
this.#ownerDoc = doc || el.ownerDocument;
const win = el.ownerDocument.defaultView;
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(CM_BUNDLE, win);
this.#win = win;
if (this.config.cssProperties) {
// Replace the propertyKeywords, colorKeywords and valueKeywords
// properties of the CSS MIME type with the values provided by the CSS properties
// database.
const { propertyKeywords, colorKeywords, valueKeywords } = getCSSKeywords(
const cssSpec = win.CodeMirror.resolveMode("text/css");
cssSpec.propertyKeywords = propertyKeywords;
cssSpec.colorKeywords = colorKeywords;
cssSpec.valueKeywords = valueKeywords;
win.CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/css", cssSpec);
const scssSpec = win.CodeMirror.resolveMode("text/x-scss");
scssSpec.propertyKeywords = propertyKeywords;
scssSpec.colorKeywords = colorKeywords;
scssSpec.valueKeywords = valueKeywords;
win.CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-scss", scssSpec);
} = () => this.emit("saveRequested");
// Create a CodeMirror instance add support for context menus,
// overwrite the default controller (otherwise items in the top and
// context menus won't work).
const cm = win.CodeMirror(el, this.config);
this.Doc = win.CodeMirror.Doc;
// Disable APZ for source editors. It currently causes the line numbers to
// "tear off" and swim around on top of the content. Bug 1160601 tracks
// finding a solution that allows APZ to work with CodeMirror.
cm.getScrollerElement().addEventListener("wheel", ev => {
// By handling the wheel events ourselves, we force the platform to
// scroll synchronously, like it did before APZ. However, we lose smooth
// scrolling for users with mouse wheels. This seems acceptible vs.
// doing nothing and letting the gutter slide around.
let { deltaX, deltaY } = ev;
if (ev.deltaMode == ev.DOM_DELTA_LINE) {
deltaX *= cm.defaultCharWidth();
deltaY *= cm.defaultTextHeight();
} else if (ev.deltaMode == ev.DOM_DELTA_PAGE) {
deltaX *= cm.getWrapperElement().clientWidth;
deltaY *= cm.getWrapperElement().clientHeight;
cm.getScrollerElement().scrollBy(deltaX, deltaY);
cm.getWrapperElement().addEventListener("contextmenu", ev => {
if (!this.config.contextMenu) {
let popup = this.config.contextMenu;
if (typeof popup == "string") {
popup = this.#ownerDoc.getElementById(this.config.contextMenu);
this.emit("popupOpen", ev, popup);
popup.openPopupAtScreen(ev.screenX, ev.screenY, true);
const pipedEvents = [
for (const eventName of pipedEvents) {
cm.on(eventName, (...args) => this.emit(eventName, ...args));
cm.on("change", () => {
if (!this.#lastDirty) {
this.#lastDirty = true;
cm.on("gutterClick", (cmArg, line, gutter, ev) => {
const lineOrOffset = !this.isWasm ? line : this.lineToWasmOffset(line);
this.emit("gutterClick", lineOrOffset, ev.button);
win.CodeMirror.defineExtension("l10n", name => {
return L10N.getStr(name);
if (!this.config.disableSearchAddon) {
} else {
// Hotfix for Bug 1527898. We should remove those overrides as part of Bug 1527903.
Object.assign(win.CodeMirror.commands, {
find: null,
findPersistent: null,
findPersistentNext: null,
findPersistentPrev: null,
findNext: null,
findPrev: null,
clearSearch: null,
replace: null,
replaceAll: null,
// Retrieve the cursor blink rate from user preference, or fall back to CodeMirror's
// default value.
let cursorBlinkingRate = win.CodeMirror.defaults.cursorBlinkRate;
if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(CARET_BLINK_TIME)) {
cursorBlinkingRate = Services.prefs.getIntPref(
// This will be used in the animation-duration property we set on the cursor to
// implement the blinking animation. If cursorBlinkingRate is 0 or less, the cursor
// won't blink.
`${Math.max(0, cursorBlinkingRate)}ms`
editors.set(this, cm);
this.reloadPreferences = this.reloadPreferences.bind(this);
this.setKeyMap = this.setKeyMap.bind(this, win);
this.#prefObserver = new PrefObserver("devtools.editor.");
this.#prefObserver.on(TAB_SIZE, this.reloadPreferences);
this.#prefObserver.on(EXPAND_TAB, this.reloadPreferences);
this.#prefObserver.on(AUTO_CLOSE, this.reloadPreferences);
this.#prefObserver.on(AUTOCOMPLETE, this.reloadPreferences);
this.#prefObserver.on(DETECT_INDENT, this.reloadPreferences);
this.#prefObserver.on(ENABLE_CODE_FOLDING, this.reloadPreferences);
// Init a map of the loaded keymap files. Should be of the form Map<String->Boolean>.
this.#loadedKeyMaps = new Set();
this.#prefObserver.on(KEYMAP_PREF, this.setKeyMap);
win.editor = this;
const editorReadyEvent = new win.CustomEvent("editorReady");
* Do the actual appending and configuring of the CodeMirror 6 instance.
* This is used by appendTo and appendToLocalElement, and does all the hard work to
* configure CodeMirror 6 with all the right options/modes/etc.
* This should be kept in sync with #setup.
* @param {Element} el: Element into which the codeMirror editor should be appended.
* @param {Document} document: Optional document, if not set, will default to el.ownerDocument
#setupCm6(el, doc) {
this.#ownerDoc = doc || el.ownerDocument;
const win = el.ownerDocument.defaultView;
this.#win = win;
this.#CodeMirror6 = this.#win.ChromeUtils.importESModule(
{ global: "current" }
const {
codemirrorView: { EditorView, lineNumbers },
codemirrorState: { EditorState, Compartment },
} = this.#CodeMirror6;
const tabSizeCompartment = new Compartment();
const indentCompartment = new Compartment();
const lineWrapCompartment = new Compartment();
const lineNumberCompartment = new Compartment();
const lineNumberMarkersCompartment = new Compartment();
const lineContentMarkerCompartment = new Compartment();
this.#compartments = {
const indentStr = (this.config.indentWithTabs ? "\t" : " ").repeat(
this.config.indentUnit || 2
const extensions = [
this.config.lineWrapping ? EditorView.lineWrapping : []
lineNumberCompartment.of(this.config.lineNumbers ? lineNumbers() : []),
placeholderText: "↔",
class: "cm6-dt-foldgutter",
markerDOM: open => {
const button = this.#ownerDoc.createElement("button");
button.setAttribute("aria-expanded", open);
return button;
EditorView.updateListener.of(v => {
if (v.viewportChanged || v.docChanged) {
// reset line gutter markers for the new visible ranges
// when the viewport changes(e.g when the page is scrolled).
if (this.#lineGutterMarkers.size > 0) {
// Any custom defined update listener should be called
if (typeof this.#updateListener == "function") {
this.#lineContentMarkersExtension({ markers: [] })
// keep last so other extension take precedence
if (this.config.mode === Editor.modes.js) {
const cm = new EditorView({
parent: el,
editors.set(this, cm);
* This creates the extension used to manage the rendering of markers
* for in editor line content.
* @param {Array} markers - The current list of markers
* @param {Object} domEventHandlers - A dictionary of handlers for the DOM events
* @returns {Array<ViewPlugin>} showLineContentDecorations - An extension which is an array containing the view
* which manages the rendering of the line content markers.
#lineContentMarkersExtension({ markers, domEventHandlers }) {
const {
codemirrorView: { Decoration, ViewPlugin, WidgetType },
codemirrorState: { RangeSetBuilder, RangeSet },
} = this.#CodeMirror6;
class LineContentWidget extends WidgetType {
constructor(line, createElementNode) {
this.toDOM = () => createElementNode(line);
// Build and return the decoration set
function buildDecorations(view) {
if (!markers) {
return RangeSet.empty;
const builder = new RangeSetBuilder();
for (const { from, to } of view.visibleRanges) {
for (let pos = from; pos <= to; ) {
const line = view.state.doc.lineAt(pos);
for (const marker of markers) {
if (marker.condition(line.number)) {
if (marker.lineClassName) {
const classDecoration = Decoration.line({
class: marker.lineClassName,
builder.add(line.from, line.from, classDecoration);
if (marker.createLineElementNode) {
const nodeDecoration = Decoration.widget({
widget: new LineContentWidget(
builder.add(,, nodeDecoration);
pos = + 1;
return builder.finish();
// The view which handles events, rendering and updating the
// markers decorations
const lineContentMarkersView = ViewPlugin.fromClass(
class {
constructor(view) {
this.decorations = buildDecorations(view);
update(update) {
if (update.docChanged || update.viewportChanged) {
this.decorations = buildDecorations(update.view);
decorations: v => v.decorations,
eventHandlers: domEventHandlers || this.#lineContentEventHandlers,
return [lineContentMarkersView];
* @param {Object} domEventHandlers - A dictionary of handlers for the DOM events
setContentEventListeners(domEventHandlers) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
for (const eventName in domEventHandlers) {
const handler = domEventHandlers[eventName];
domEventHandlers[eventName] = (event, editor) => {
// Wait a cycle so the codemirror updates to the current cursor position,
// information, TODO: Currently noticed this issue with CM6, not ideal but should
// investigate further Bug 1890895. => {
const view = editor.viewState;
const head = view.state.selection.main.head;
const cursor = view.state.doc.lineAt(head);
const column = head - cursor.from;
handler(event, view, cursor.number, column);
}, 0);
// Cache the handlers related to the editor content
this.#lineContentEventHandlers = domEventHandlers;
effects: this.#compartments.lineContentMarkerCompartment.reconfigure(
this.#lineContentMarkersExtension({ domEventHandlers })
* This adds a marker used to add classes to editor line based on a condition.
* @property {object} marker - The rule rendering a marker or class.
* @property {object} - The unique identifier for this marker
* @property {string} marker.lineClassName - The css class to add to the line
* @property {function} marker.condition - The condition that decides if the marker/class gets added or removed.
* The line is passed as an argument.
* @property {function} marker.createLineElementNode - This should return the DOM element which
* is used for the marker. The line number is passed as a parameter.
* This is optional.
setLineContentMarker(marker) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
this.#lineContentMarkers.set(, marker);
effects: this.#compartments.lineContentMarkerCompartment.reconfigure(
markers: Array.from(this.#lineContentMarkers.values()),
* This removes the marker which has the specified className
* @param {string} markerId - The unique identifier for this marker
removeLineContentMarker(markerId) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
effects: this.#compartments.lineContentMarkerCompartment.reconfigure(
markers: Array.from(this.#lineContentMarkers.values()),
* Set event listeners for the line gutter
* @param {Object} domEventHandlers
* example usage:
* const domEventHandlers = { click(event) { console.log(event);} }
setGutterEventListeners(domEventHandlers) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
const {
codemirrorView: { lineNumbers },
} = this.#CodeMirror6;
for (const eventName in domEventHandlers) {
const handler = domEventHandlers[eventName];
domEventHandlers[eventName] = (view, line, event) => {
line = view.state.doc.lineAt(line.from);
handler(event, view, line.number);
effects: this.#compartments.lineWrapCompartment.reconfigure(
lineNumbers({ domEventHandlers })
* This supports adding/removing of line classes or markers on the
* line number gutter based on the defined conditions. This only supports codemirror 6.
* @param {Array<Marker>} markers - The list of marker objects which defines the rules
* for rendering each marker.
* @property {object} marker - The rule rendering a marker or class. This is required.
* @property {string} - The unique identifier for this marker.
* @property {string} marker.lineClassName - The css class to add to the line. This is required.
* @property {function} marker.condition - The condition that decides if the marker/class gets added or removed.
* @property {function=} marker.createLineElementNode - This gets the line as an argument and should return the DOM element which
* is used for the marker. This is optional.
setLineGutterMarkers(markers) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
if (markers) {
// Cache the markers for use later. See next comment
for (const marker of markers) {
if (! {
throw new Error("Marker has no unique identifier");
this.#lineGutterMarkers.set(, marker);
// When no markers are passed, the cached markers are used to update the line gutters.
// This is useful for re-rendering the line gutters when the viewport changes
// (note: the visible ranges will be different) in this case, mainly when the editor is scrolled.
else if (!this.#lineGutterMarkers.size) {
markers = Array.from(this.#lineGutterMarkers.values());
const {
codemirrorView: { lineNumberMarkers, GutterMarker },
codemirrorState: { RangeSetBuilder },
} = this.#CodeMirror6;
// This creates a new GutterMarker
// to represents how each line gutter is rendered in the view.
// This is set as the value for the Range
// which represents the line.
class LineGutterMarker extends GutterMarker {
constructor(className, lineNumber, createElementNode) {
this.elementClass = className || null;
this.toDOM = createElementNode
? () => createElementNode(lineNumber)
: null;
// (representing the lines in the current viewport) and generate a new rangeset for updating the line gutter
// based on the conditions defined in the markers(for each line) provided.
const builder = new RangeSetBuilder();
const { from, to } = cm.viewport;
let pos = from;
while (pos <= to) {
const line = cm.state.doc.lineAt(pos);
for (const {
} of markers) {
if (typeof condition !== "function") {
throw new Error("The `condition` is not a valid function");
if (condition(line.number)) {
new LineGutterMarker(
pos = + 1;
// To update the state with the newly generated marker range set, a dispatch is called on the view
// with an transaction effect created by the lineNumberMarkersCompartment, which is used to update the
// lineNumberMarkers extension configuration.
effects: this.#compartments.lineNumberMarkersCompartment.reconfigure(
* Gets the position information for the current selection
* @returns {Object} cursor - The location information for the current selection
* cursor.from - An object with the starting line / column of the selection
* - An object with the end line / column of the selection
getSelectionCursor() {
const cm = editors.get(this);
if (this.config.cm6) {
const selection = cm.state.selection.ranges[0];
const lineFrom = cm.state.doc.lineAt(selection.from);
const lineTo = cm.state.doc.lineAt(;
return {
from: {
line: lineFrom.number,
ch: selection.from - lineFrom.from,
to: {
line: lineTo.number,
ch: - lineTo.from,
return {
from: cm.getCursor("from"),
to: cm.getCursor("to"),
* Gets the text content for the current selection
* @returns {String}
getSelectedText() {
const cm = editors.get(this);
if (this.config.cm6) {
const selection = cm.state.selection.ranges[0];
return cm.state.doc.sliceString(selection.from,;
return cm.getSelection().trim();
* Check that text is selected
* @returns {Boolean}
isTextSelected() {
const cm = editors.get(this);
if (this.config.cm6) {
const selection = cm.state.selection.ranges[0];
return selection.from !==;
return cm.somethingSelected();
* Returns a boolean indicating whether the editor is ready to
* use. Use appendTo(el).then(() => {}) for most cases
isAppended() {
return editors.has(this);
* Returns the currently active highlighting mode.
* See Editor.modes for the list of all suppoert modes.
getMode() {
return this.getOption("mode");
* Loads a script into editor's containing window.
loadScript(url) {
if (!this.container) {
throw new Error("Can't load a script until the editor is loaded.");
const win = this.container.contentWindow.wrappedJSObject;
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(url, win);
* Creates a CodeMirror Document
* @param {String} text: Initial text of the document
* @param {Object|String} mode: Mode of the document. See
* @returns CodeMirror.Doc
createDocument(text = "", mode) {
return new this.Doc(text, mode);
* Replaces the current document with a new source document
replaceDocument(doc) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
* Changes the value of a currently used highlighting mode.
* See Editor.modes for the list of all supported modes.
setMode(value) {
this.setOption("mode", value);
// If autocomplete was set up and the mode is changing, then
// turn it off and back on again so the proper mode can be used.
if (this.config.autocomplete) {
this.setOption("autocomplete", false);
this.setOption("autocomplete", true);
* The source editor can expose several commands linked from system and context menus.
* Kept for backward compatibility with styleeditor.
insertCommandsController() {
const {
* Returns text from the text area. If line argument is provided
* the method returns only that line.
getText(line) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
if (line == null) {
return this.config.cm6 ? cm.state.doc.toString() : cm.getValue();
const info = this.lineInfo(line);
return info ? info.text : "";
getDoc() {
const cm = editors.get(this);
return cm.getDoc();
get isWasm() {
return wasm.isWasm(this.getDoc());
wasmOffsetToLine(offset) {
return wasm.wasmOffsetToLine(this.getDoc(), offset);
lineToWasmOffset(number) {
return wasm.lineToWasmOffset(this.getDoc(), number);
toLineIfWasmOffset(maybeOffset) {
if (typeof maybeOffset !== "number" || !this.isWasm) {
return maybeOffset;
return this.wasmOffsetToLine(maybeOffset);
lineInfo(lineOrOffset) {
const line = this.toLineIfWasmOffset(lineOrOffset);
if (line == undefined) {
return null;
const cm = editors.get(this);
if (this.config.cm6) {
return {
// cm6 lines are 1-based, while cm5 are 0-based
text: cm.state.doc.lineAt(line + 1)?.text,
// TODO: Expose those, or see usage for those and do things differently
line: null,
handle: null,
gutterMarkers: null,
textClass: null,
bgClass: null,
wrapClass: null,
widgets: null,
return cm.lineInfo(line);
getLineOrOffset(line) {
return this.isWasm ? this.lineToWasmOffset(line) : line;
* Replaces whatever is in the text area with the contents of
* the 'value' argument.
setText(value) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
if (typeof value !== "string" && "binary" in value) {
// wasm?
// binary does not survive as Uint8Array, converting from string
const binary = value.binary;
const data = new Uint8Array(binary.length);
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
data[i] = binary.charCodeAt(i);
const { lines, done } = wasm.getWasmText(this.getDoc(), data);
const MAX_LINES = 10000000;
if (lines.length > MAX_LINES) {
lines.splice(MAX_LINES, lines.length - MAX_LINES);
lines.push(";; .... text is truncated due to the size");
if (!done) {
lines.push(";; .... possible error during wast conversion");
// cm will try to split into lines anyway, saving memory
value = { split: () => lines };
if (this.config.cm6) {
changes: { from: 0, to: cm.state.doc.length, insert: value },
} else {
* Reloads the state of the editor based on all current preferences.
* This is called automatically when any of the relevant preferences
* change.
reloadPreferences() {
// Restore the saved autoCloseBrackets value if it is preffed on.
const useAutoClose = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(AUTO_CLOSE);
useAutoClose ? this.config.autoCloseBracketsSaved : false
* Set the current keyMap for CodeMirror, and load the support file if needed.
* @param {Window} win: The window on which the keymap files should be loaded.
setKeyMap(win) {
if (this.config.isReadOnly) {
const keyMap = Services.prefs.getCharPref(KEYMAP_PREF);
// If alternative keymap is provided, use it.
if (VALID_KEYMAPS.has(keyMap)) {
if (!this.#loadedKeyMaps.has(keyMap)) {
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(VALID_KEYMAPS.get(keyMap), win);
this.setOption("keyMap", keyMap);
} else {
this.setOption("keyMap", "default");
* Sets the editor's indentation based on the current prefs and
* re-detect indentation if we should.
resetIndentUnit() {
const cm = editors.get(this);
const iterFn = (start, maxEnd, callback) => {
if (!this.config.cm6) {
cm.eachLine(start, maxEnd, line => {
return callback(line.text);
} else {
const iterator = cm.state.doc.iterLines(
start + 1,
Math.min(cm.state.doc.lines, maxEnd) + 1
let callbackRes;
do {;
callbackRes = callback(iterator.value);
} while (iterator.done !== true && !callbackRes);
const { indentUnit, indentWithTabs } = getIndentationFromIteration(iterFn);
if (!this.config.cm6) {
cm.setOption("tabSize", indentUnit);
cm.setOption("indentUnit", indentUnit);
cm.setOption("indentWithTabs", indentWithTabs);
} else {
const {
codemirrorState: { EditorState },
} = this.#CodeMirror6;
effects: this.#compartments.tabSizeCompartment.reconfigure(
effects: this.#compartments.indentCompartment.reconfigure(
(indentWithTabs ? "\t" : " ").repeat(indentUnit)
* Replaces contents of a text area within the from/to {line, ch}
* range. If neither `from` nor `to` arguments are provided works
* exactly like setText. If only `from` object is provided, inserts
* text at that point, *overwriting* as many characters as needed.
replaceText(value, from, to) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
if (!from) {
if (!to) {
const text = cm.getRange({ line: 0, ch: 0 }, from);
this.setText(text + value);
cm.replaceRange(value, from, to);
* Inserts text at the specified {line, ch} position, shifting existing
* contents as necessary.
insertText(value, at) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
cm.replaceRange(value, at, at);
* Deselects contents of the text area.
dropSelection() {
if (!this.somethingSelected()) {
* Returns true if there is more than one selection in the editor.
hasMultipleSelections() {
const cm = editors.get(this);
return cm.listSelections().length > 1;
* Gets the first visible line number in the editor.
getFirstVisibleLine() {
const cm = editors.get(this);
return cm.lineAtHeight(0, "local");
* Scrolls the view such that the given line number is the first visible line.
setFirstVisibleLine(line) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
const { top } = cm.charCoords({ line, ch: 0 }, "local");
cm.scrollTo(0, top);
* Sets the cursor to the specified {line, ch} position with an additional
* option to align the line at the "top", "center" or "bottom" of the editor
* with "top" being default value.
setCursor({ line, ch }, align) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
this.alignLine(line, align);
cm.setCursor({ line, ch });
* Aligns the provided line to either "top", "center" or "bottom" of the
* editor view with a maximum margin of MAX_VERTICAL_OFFSET lines from top or
* bottom.
alignLine(line, align) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
const from = cm.lineAtHeight(0, "page");
const to = cm.lineAtHeight(cm.getWrapperElement().clientHeight, "page");
const linesVisible = to - from;
const halfVisible = Math.round(linesVisible / 2);
// If the target line is in view, skip the vertical alignment part.
if (line <= to && line >= from) {
// Setting the offset so that the line always falls in the upper half
// of visible lines (lower half for bottom aligned).
// MAX_VERTICAL_OFFSET is the maximum allowed value.
const offset = Math.min(halfVisible, MAX_VERTICAL_OFFSET);
let topLine =
center: Math.max(line - halfVisible, 0),
bottom: Math.max(line - linesVisible + offset, 0),
top: Math.max(line - offset, 0),
}[align || "top"] || offset;
// Bringing down the topLine to total lines in the editor if exceeding.
topLine = Math.min(topLine, this.lineCount());
* Returns whether a marker of a specified class exists in a line's gutter.
hasMarker(line, gutterName, markerClass) {
const marker = this.getMarker(line, gutterName);
if (!marker) {
return false;
return marker.classList.contains(markerClass);
* Adds a marker with a specified class to a line's gutter. If another marker
* exists on that line, the new marker class is added to its class list.
addMarker(line, gutterName, markerClass) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
const info = this.lineInfo(line);
if (!info) {
const gutterMarkers = info.gutterMarkers;
let marker;
if (gutterMarkers) {
marker = gutterMarkers[gutterName];
if (marker) {
marker = cm.getWrapperElement().ownerDocument.createElement("div");
marker.className = markerClass;
cm.setGutterMarker(info.line, gutterName, marker);
* The reverse of addMarker. Removes a marker of a specified class from a
* line's gutter.
removeMarker(line, gutterName, markerClass) {
if (!this.hasMarker(line, gutterName, markerClass)) {
* Adds a marker with a specified class and an HTML content to a line's
* gutter. If another marker exists on that line, it is overwritten by a new
* marker.
addContentMarker(line, gutterName, markerClass, content) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
const info = this.lineInfo(line);
if (!info) {
const marker = cm.getWrapperElement().ownerDocument.createElement("div");
marker.className = markerClass;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unsanitized/property
marker.innerHTML = content;
cm.setGutterMarker(info.line, gutterName, marker);
* The reverse of addContentMarker. Removes any line's markers in the
* specified gutter.
removeContentMarker(line, gutterName) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
const info = this.lineInfo(line);
if (!info) {
cm.setGutterMarker(info.line, gutterName, null);
getMarker(line, gutterName) {
const info = this.lineInfo(line);
if (!info) {
return null;
const gutterMarkers = info.gutterMarkers;
if (!gutterMarkers) {
return null;
return gutterMarkers[gutterName];
* Removes all gutter markers in the gutter with the given name.
removeAllMarkers(gutterName) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
* Handles attaching a set of events listeners on a marker. They should
* be passed as an object literal with keys as event names and values as
* function listeners. The line number, marker node and optional data
* will be passed as arguments to the function listener.
* You don't need to worry about removing these event listeners.
* They're automatically orphaned when clearing markers.
setMarkerListeners(line, gutterName, markerClass, eventsArg, data) {
if (!this.hasMarker(line, gutterName, markerClass)) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
const marker = cm.lineInfo(line).gutterMarkers[gutterName];
for (const name in eventsArg) {
const listener = eventsArg[name].bind(this, line, marker, data);
marker.addEventListener(name, listener);
* Returns whether a line is decorated using the specified class name.
hasLineClass(line, className) {
const info = this.lineInfo(line);
if (!info || !info.wrapClass) {
return false;
return info.wrapClass.split(" ").includes(className);
* Sets a CSS class name for the given line, including the text and gutter.
addLineClass(lineOrOffset, className) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
const line = this.toLineIfWasmOffset(lineOrOffset);
cm.addLineClass(line, "wrap", className);
* The reverse of addLineClass.
removeLineClass(lineOrOffset, className) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
const line = this.toLineIfWasmOffset(lineOrOffset);
cm.removeLineClass(line, "wrap", className);
* Mark a range of text inside the two {line, ch} bounds. Since the range may
* be modified, for example, when typing text, this method returns a function
* that can be used to remove the mark.
markText(from, to, className = "marked-text") {
const cm = editors.get(this);
const text = cm.getRange(from, to);
const span = cm.getWrapperElement().ownerDocument.createElement("span");
span.className = className;
span.textContent = text;
const mark = cm.markText(from, to, { replacedWith: span });
return {
anchor: span,
clear: () => mark.clear(),
* Calculates and returns one or more {line, ch} objects for
* a zero-based index who's value is relative to the start of
* the editor's text.
* If only one argument is given, this method returns a single
* {line,ch} object. Otherwise it returns an array.
getPosition(...args) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
const res = => cm.posFromIndex(ind));
return args.length === 1 ? res[0] : res;
* The reverse of getPosition. Similarly to getPosition this
* method returns a single value if only one argument was given
* and an array otherwise.
getOffset(...args) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
const res = => cm.indexFromPos(pos));
return args.length > 1 ? res : res[0];
* Returns a {line, ch} object that corresponds to the
* left, top coordinates.
getPositionFromCoords({ left, top }) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
return cm.coordsChar({ left, top });
* The reverse of getPositionFromCoords. Similarly, returns a {left, top}
* object that corresponds to the specified line and character number.
getCoordsFromPosition({ line, ch }) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
return cm.charCoords({ line: ~~line, ch: ~~ch });
* Returns true if there's something to undo and false otherwise.
canUndo() {
const cm = editors.get(this);
return cm.historySize().undo > 0;
* Returns true if there's something to redo and false otherwise.
canRedo() {
const cm = editors.get(this);
return cm.historySize().redo > 0;
* Marks the contents as clean and returns the current
* version number.
setClean() {
const cm = editors.get(this);
this.version = cm.changeGeneration();
this.#lastDirty = false;
return this.version;
* Returns true if contents of the text area are
* clean i.e. no changes were made since the last version.
isClean() {
const cm = editors.get(this);
return cm.isClean(this.version);
* This method opens an in-editor dialog asking for a line to
* jump to. Once given, it changes cursor to that line.
jumpToLine() {
const doc = editors.get(this).getWrapperElement().ownerDocument;
const div = doc.createElement("div");
const inp = doc.createElement("input");
const txt = doc.createTextNode(L10N.getStr("gotoLineCmd.promptTitle"));
inp.type = "text"; = "10em"; = "1em";
this.openDialog(div, line => {
// Handle LINE:COLUMN as well as LINE
const match = line.toString().match(RE_JUMP_TO_LINE);
if (match) {
const [, matchLine, column] = match;
this.setCursor({ line: matchLine - 1, ch: column ? column - 1 : 0 });
* Moves the content of the current line or the lines selected up a line.
moveLineUp() {
const cm = editors.get(this);
const start = cm.getCursor("start");
const end = cm.getCursor("end");
if (start.line === 0) {
// Get the text in the lines selected or the current line of the cursor
// and append the text of the previous line.
let value;
if (start.line !== end.line) {
value =
{ line: start.line, ch: 0 },
{ line: end.line, ch: cm.getLine(end.line).length }
) + "\n";
} else {
value = cm.getLine(start.line) + "\n";
value += cm.getLine(start.line - 1);
// Replace the previous line and the currently selected lines with the new
// value and maintain the selection of the text.
{ line: start.line - 1, ch: 0 },
{ line: end.line, ch: cm.getLine(end.line).length }
{ line: start.line - 1, ch: },
{ line: end.line - 1, ch: }
* Moves the content of the current line or the lines selected down a line.
moveLineDown() {
const cm = editors.get(this);
const start = cm.getCursor("start");
const end = cm.getCursor("end");
if (end.line + 1 === cm.lineCount()) {
// Get the text of next line and append the text in the lines selected
// or the current line of the cursor.
let value = cm.getLine(end.line + 1) + "\n";
if (start.line !== end.line) {
value += cm.getRange(
{ line: start.line, ch: 0 },
{ line: end.line, ch: cm.getLine(end.line).length }
} else {
value += cm.getLine(start.line);
// Replace the currently selected lines and the next line with the new
// value and maintain the selection of the text.
{ line: start.line, ch: 0 },
{ line: end.line + 1, ch: cm.getLine(end.line + 1).length }
{ line: start.line + 1, ch: },
{ line: end.line + 1, ch: }
* Intercept CodeMirror's Find and replace key shortcut to select the search input
findOrReplace(node, isReplaceAll) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
const isInput = node.tagName === "INPUT";
const isSearchInput = isInput && node.type === "search";
// replace box is a different input instance than search, and it is
// located in a code mirror dialog
const isDialogInput =
isInput &&
node.parentNode &&
if (!(isSearchInput || isDialogInput)) {
if (isSearchInput || isReplaceAll) {
// select the search input
// it's the precise reason why we reimplement these key shortcuts;
// need to call it since we prevent the propagation of the event and
// cancel codemirror's key handling
* Intercept CodeMirror's findNext and findPrev key shortcut to allow
* immediately search for next occurance after typing a word to search.
findNextOrPrev(node, isFindPrev) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
const isInput = node.tagName === "INPUT";
const isSearchInput = isInput && node.type === "search";
if (!isSearchInput) {
const query = node.value;
// allows to automatically start searching for the next occurance
// it's the precise reason why we reimplement these key shortcuts
if (! || !== query) { = {
posFrom: null,
posTo: null,
overlay: null,
// need to call it since we prevent the propagation of the event and
// cancel codemirror's key handling
if (isFindPrev) {
} else {
* Returns current font size for the editor area, in pixels.
getFontSize() {
const cm = editors.get(this);
const el = cm.getWrapperElement();
const win = el.ownerDocument.defaultView;
return parseInt(win.getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue("font-size"), 10);
* Sets font size for the editor area.
setFontSize(size) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
cm.getWrapperElement().style.fontSize = parseInt(size, 10) + "px";
setLineWrapping(value) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
if (this.config.cm6) {
const {
codemirrorView: { EditorView },
} = this.#CodeMirror6;
effects: this.#compartments.lineWrapCompartment.reconfigure(
value ? EditorView.lineWrapping : []
} else {
cm.setOption("lineWrapping", value);
this.config.lineWrapping = value;
* Sets an option for the editor. For most options it just defers to
* CodeMirror.setOption, but certain ones are maintained within the editor
* instance.
setOption(o, v) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
// Save the state of a valid autoCloseBrackets string, so we can reset
// it if it gets preffed off and back on.
if (o === "autoCloseBrackets" && v) {
this.config.autoCloseBracketsSaved = v;
if (o === "autocomplete") {
this.config.autocomplete = v;
} else {
cm.setOption(o, v);
this.config[o] = v;
if (o === "enableCodeFolding") {
// The new value maybe explicitly force foldGUtter on or off, ignoring
// the prefs service.
* Gets an option for the editor. For most options it just defers to
* CodeMirror.getOption, but certain ones are maintained within the editor
* instance.
getOption(o) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
if (o === "autocomplete") {
return this.config.autocomplete;
return cm.getOption(o);
* Sets up autocompletion for the editor. Lazily imports the required
* dependencies because they vary by editor mode.
* Autocompletion is special, because we don't want to automatically use
* it just because it is preffed on (it still needs to be requested by the
* editor), but we do want to always disable it if it is preffed off.
setupAutoCompletion() {
if (!this.config.autocomplete && !this.initializeAutoCompletion) {
// Do nothing since there is no autocomplete config and no autocompletion have
// been initialized.
// The autocomplete module will overwrite this.initializeAutoCompletion
// with a mode specific autocompletion handler.
if (!this.initializeAutoCompletion) {
if (this.config.autocomplete && Services.prefs.getBoolPref(AUTOCOMPLETE)) {
} else {
getAutoCompletionText() {
const cm = editors.get(this);
const mark = cm
.find(m => m.className === AUTOCOMPLETE_MARK_CLASSNAME);
if (!mark) {
return "";
return mark.attributes["data-completion"] || "";
setAutoCompletionText(text) {
const cursor = this.getCursor();
const cm = editors.get(this);
cm.operation(() => {
cm.getAllMarks().forEach(mark => {
if (mark.className === className) {
if (text) {
cm.markText({ ...cursor, ch: - 1 }, cursor, {
attributes: {
"data-completion": text,
* This checks if the specified position (top/left) is within the current viewpport
* bounds. it helps determine is scrolling should happen.
* @param {Object} cm - The codemirror instance
* @param {Number} line - The line in the source
* @param {Number} column - The column in the source
* @returns {Boolean}
#isVisible(cm, line, column) {
let inXView, inYView;
function withinBounds(x, min, max) {
return x >= min && x <= max;
if (this.config.cm6) {
const pos = this.#posToOffset(cm.state.doc, line, column);
const coords = pos && cm.coordsAtPos(pos);
if (!coords) {
return false;
const { scrollTop, scrollLeft, clientHeight, clientWidth } = cm.scrollDOM;
inXView = withinBounds(coords.left, scrollLeft, scrollLeft + clientWidth);
inYView = withinBounds(, scrollTop, scrollTop + clientHeight);
} else {
const { top, left } = cm.charCoords({ line, ch: column }, "local");
const scrollArea = cm.getScrollInfo();
const charWidth = cm.defaultCharWidth();
const fontHeight = cm.defaultTextHeight();
const { scrollTop, scrollLeft } = cm.doc;
inXView = withinBounds(
// Note: 30 might relate to the margin on one of the scroll bar elements.
scrollLeft + (scrollArea.clientWidth - 30) - charWidth
inYView = withinBounds(
scrollTop + scrollArea.clientHeight - fontHeight
return inXView && inYView;
* Converts line/col to CM6 offset position
* @param {Object} doc - the codemirror document
* @param {Number} line - The line in the source
* @param {Number} col - The column in the source
* @returns {Number}
#posToOffset(doc, line, col) {
if (!this.config.cm6) {
throw new Error("This function is only compatible with CM6");
try {
const offset = doc.line(line);
return offset.from + col;
} catch (e) {
// Line likey does not exist in viewport yet
return null;
* Scrolls the editor to the specified line and column
* @param {Number} line - The line in the source
* @param {Number} column - The column in the source
scrollTo(line, column) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
if (this.config.cm6) {
const {
codemirrorView: { EditorView },
} = this.#CodeMirror6;
if (!this.#isVisible(cm, line, column)) {
const offset = this.#posToOffset(cm.state.doc, line, column);
if (!offset) {
effects: EditorView.scrollIntoView(offset, {
x: "nearest",
y: "center",
} else {
// For all cases where these are on the first line and column,
// avoid the possibly slow computation of cursor location on large bundles.
if (!line && !column) {
cm.scrollTo(0, 0);
const { top, left } = cm.charCoords({ line, ch: column }, "local");
if (!this.#isVisible(cm, line, column)) {
const scroller = cm.getScrollerElement();
const centeredX = Math.max(left - scroller.offsetWidth / 2, 0);
const centeredY = Math.max(top - scroller.offsetHeight / 2, 0);
cm.scrollTo(centeredX, centeredY);
* Extends an instance of the Editor object with additional
* functions. Each function will be called with context as
* the first argument. Context is a {ed, cm} object where
* 'ed' is an instance of the Editor object and 'cm' is an
* instance of the CodeMirror object. Example:
* function hello(ctx, name) {
* let { cm, ed } = ctx;
* cm; // CodeMirror instance
* ed; // Editor instance
* name; // 'Mozilla'
* }
* editor.extend({ hello: hello });
* editor.hello('Mozilla');
extend(funcs) {
Object.keys(funcs).forEach(name => {
const cm = editors.get(this);
const ctx = { ed: this, cm, Editor };
if (name === "initialize") {
this[name] = funcs[name].bind(null, ctx);
isDestroyed() {
return !editors.get(this);
destroy() {
this.container = null;
this.config = null;
this.version = null;
this.#ownerDoc = null;
this.#updateListener = null;
this.#lineContentEventHandlers = {};
if (this.#prefObserver) {, this.setKeyMap);, this.reloadPreferences);, this.reloadPreferences);, this.reloadPreferences);, this.reloadPreferences);, this.reloadPreferences);, this.reloadPreferences);
// Remove the link between the document and code-mirror.
const cm = editors.get(this);
if (cm?.doc) { = null;
updateCodeFoldingGutter() {
let shouldFoldGutter = this.config.enableCodeFolding;
const foldGutterIndex = this.config.gutters.indexOf(
const cm = editors.get(this);
if (shouldFoldGutter === undefined) {
shouldFoldGutter = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(ENABLE_CODE_FOLDING);
if (shouldFoldGutter) {
// Add the gutter before enabling foldGutter
if (foldGutterIndex === -1) {
const gutters = this.config.gutters.slice();
this.setOption("gutters", gutters);
this.setOption("foldGutter", true);
} else {
// No code should remain folded when folding is off.
if (cm) {
// Remove the gutter so it doesn't take up space
if (foldGutterIndex !== -1) {
const gutters = this.config.gutters.slice();
gutters.splice(foldGutterIndex, 1);
this.setOption("gutters", gutters);
this.setOption("foldGutter", false);
* Register all key shortcuts.
#initSearchShortcuts(win) {
const shortcuts = new KeyShortcuts({
window: win,
const keys = ["find.key", "findNext.key", "findPrev.key"];
if (OS === "Darwin") {
} else {
// Process generic keys:
keys.forEach(name => {
const key = L10N.getStr(name);
shortcuts.on(key, event => this.#onSearchShortcut(name, event));
* Key shortcut listener.
#onSearchShortcut = (name, event) => {
if (!this.#isInputOrTextarea( {
const node = event.originalTarget;
switch (name) {
// replaceAll.key is Alt + find.key
case "replaceAllMac.key":
this.findOrReplace(node, true);
// replaceAll.key is Shift + find.key
case "replaceAll.key":
this.findOrReplace(node, true);
case "find.key":
this.findOrReplace(node, false);
// findPrev.key is Shift + findNext.key
case "findPrev.key":
this.findNextOrPrev(node, true);
case "findNext.key":
this.findNextOrPrev(node, false);
console.error("Unexpected editor key shortcut", name);
// Prevent default for this action
* Check if a node is an input or textarea
#isInputOrTextarea(element) {
const name = element.tagName.toLowerCase();
return name === "input" || name === "textarea";
// Since Editor is a thin layer over CodeMirror some methods
// are mapped directly—without any changes.
CM_MAPPING.forEach(name => {
Editor.prototype[name] = function (...args) {
const cm = editors.get(this);
return cm[name].apply(cm, args);
* We compute the CSS property names, values, and color names to be used with
* CodeMirror to more closely reflect what is supported by the target platform.
* The database is used to replace the values used in CodeMirror while initiating
* an editor object. This is done here instead of the file codemirror/css.js so
* as to leave that file untouched and easily upgradable.
function getCSSKeywords(cssProperties) {
function keySet(array) {
const keys = {};
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
keys[array[i]] = true;
return keys;
const propertyKeywords = cssProperties.getNames();
const colorKeywords = {};
const valueKeywords = {};
propertyKeywords.forEach(property => {
if (property.includes("color")) {
cssProperties.getValues(property).forEach(value => {
colorKeywords[value] = true;
} else {
cssProperties.getValues(property).forEach(value => {
valueKeywords[value] = true;
return {
propertyKeywords: keySet(propertyKeywords),
module.exports = Editor;